Chapter 9 ~ Camp Night

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Ack. I'm sorry I'm lateeeeeee 

This was supposed to be my last option, but I think the updates are going to be pretty sporadic from now on... 

So much for summer being free. Yeah, no. That... did not go as planned. 

I'll do my best; I promise!


"Kakashi! Kakashi! Wake up, Kakashi!" 

Groggily, the boy peeled his eyes open. He mumbled something incoherent and buried his head deeper into his pillow. 

There was a surprised squeak. 

"Oh, you- Get off, Kakashi!" 

And he was shoved onto the floor. 


"Brutal," Kakashi moaned, hand on his forehead. 

Rin apologized halfheartedly, cheeks still hot. 

She helped him up and told him the news. 

"Y-You forgot about the mission?!" he sputtered. "It's due for sensei today!" 


Rin looked like she wanted to retort. 

"Sorry," she finally settled on saying. "It's on me this time, so I promise I'll get it done." 

The kunoichi made to leave, and Kakashi grabbed her wrist. 

"You're planning to do it yourself?" he asked. 

"Oh- Was it-?" 

Kakashi sighed. Rin just never got it. 

"Together, okay?" 

Maybe he imagined it, but her beautiful chocolate eyes seemed to grow a little gentler as she met his. 


The two had thrown on whatever had been available to them the night before, and neither bothered to change now. 

As each looked the other over, both came to express their amusement. Rin laughed, eyes twinkling with delight, and Kakashi's lips - much to his embarrassment - involuntarily lifted up, his charcoal eyes meeting hers teasingly. 

It was going to be a very unprofessional mission. 


Obito leapt on Kakashi the moment he saw Rin on his back. 

"What did you do?!" he cried. "What'd you do to my precious-" 

"Obito," Minato said with a laugh. "Lay off a bit." 

"Nuh uh! That's not fair that he gets to piggyback Rin and-" The Uchiha noticed his teammate's strained expression. 

Behind him, Rin laughed quietly. 

"It's just training," she said. "And I had to remove half my weights." 

Kakashi glared at her, but if Obito was seeing right that day, it was maybe the tiniest bit playful. 

She grinned back. 

"Oh dear." An amused gleam sparkled in their teacher's eyes. 

Obito's face turned a very lethal shade of red, and his eyes glowed menacingly. 

"Oh yeah?" he asked lowly. "I challenge you, Kakashi. I bet I can piggyback Rin with more of her weights on than you can." 

The silver-haired boy looked up, gritting his teeth. 

[Discontinued] Heaven's Accusations (Sequel to Heaven's Regulations)Where stories live. Discover now