Chapter 7

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I felt like a knife had just pierced through my heart. My stomach churned and I began to feel weak. Austin’s eyes went to me as he gripped his hands on my waist before I could fall on my knees. “Becca..please don’t..” Austin whispered in my ear. At this point his words meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. The tears were pouring out of my tired eyes. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be here! Everything would be perfect, but no. Just because of this whole situation, my mother was dead. Why was she dead? Who killed her? I have no idea. But at this point I was so frustrated with everything including myself. Interrupting my thoughts, Robert handed me a tissue. I looked at him curious to know why he would make such a gesture. He just half smiled and then continued driving. Zach just glared at him and then at me. “What?” I asked rudely towards Zach. “What Rebecca?” he spat back rudely. “Why are you so damn rude towards me all the time? What the hell did I do to you? You’re the main reason that I’m in this situation right now! Why did you even kidnap me?!” I yelled. “Rebecca please don’t agitate him...” Austin whispered again soothingly. Zach just smirked at me before chucking and totally ignoring all my questions. And with that I was going to explode. “Austin, please tell me why she’s dead? What happened? Please tell me” I was practically begging. He looked deep into my eyes before sighing, I knew he knew what had happened, but he was so hesitant to tell me. As he was with basically this whole situation. “Babe..I …” he stuttered. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it “Austin please” I pleaded. He sighed. “Do you remember that guy that attacked you on that road? You know the one” he shivered at the thoughts of his past actions. “Yeah” I responded fearful of what he was about to say next. “Well, his guys knew you were with me. And since we killed one of their guys they went for your mother. Rebecca I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I shot that guy and now all this has happened.” He said. My heart was slowly breaking when I could see tears forming in Austin’s eyes. I’d never seen him like this. His eyes either showed rage or blankness. “Why are the after me though? I don’t understand” I asked. This question soon captured the attention from all the guys. Austin just stared down at his hands trying to find the words I suppose. “These men have my mom Michele held hostage. In order to get her back safe we needed money to fulfill a bribe they wanted. That’s why we were at the bank. These men have already killed my dad and my Mema.” His voice choked up. “Mema?” “That’s my grandma” he spoke. “She gave me this bracelet when I was 9 to remind me that she’s always with me no matter what.” He pointed to the bracelet with the initials MM on them. Mema Mahone. This all made sense to me now. Everything. They had to kidnap me in order for me to be safe. “Thank you” I mumbled quietly. Zach just rolled his eyes “It’s part of the job.” He said. “Zach stop being a dick” Alex said. Suddenly we heard a loud gunshot. The car stopped. “What the hell? Why did we stop?!” Alex panicked. “The tire.” Robert said. “Someone just shot our tire..” Robert slowly spoke.

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