Chapter 8

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“What the fuck bro! What do you mean someone shot our fucking tire?!” Zach shouted.

“Its pretty self explanetory dumbass” Rob states back with attitude.

Alex begins chuckling to himself at this point. Okay then. Becca is pale as hell and she begins to shake. She’s having a panic attack. Without hesitating I wrap my arms around her entire body. Well at least try. She’s sitting down with her seatbelt on so there’s not much to work with my way around her.

“Baby its okay. I’ve got you. We’re going to be alright. I massaged her back at while having both my arms around her. I tried to do everything my mother would do for me when I would have mine. She would caress my arms and soothe me with her voice. I’ve been through hell as a kid, so this..this isn’t anything foreign to me.

What was only seconds felt like minutes. My thoughts were quickly interrupted.

“Okay, fairy princess Austin stop cuddling with your fucking teddy bear, get off the damn car and go check our surroundings” Zach spoke obviously referring to Rebecca as my “teddy bear”.

Wait, what the fuck did he just call me a fucking fairy princess? Whatever.

“You” I shoot back trying to sound calm as possible for Becca.

“I’m the leader” he growls at me. Nigga acting like a werewolf.

“Exactly. The leader needs to grow a damn pair and check it out himself” my smirk more apparent than usual.

“Point one for Austy!” Alex shouts and laughs at the same time.

“Shut the fuck up” Zach glares at him. Giving in, Zach huffs and steps out of the car. He slowly looks around  before opening the trunk and grabbing our tool box. Like I suspected, he’s going to fix the tire.

Meanwhile, my eyes shoot back to Rebecca, oddly she is fast asleep. God, she is so damn sexy. The things I’d do...

What the fuck, Austin? I really need to calm down with my perverted thoughts.

Robert and Alex turn on the radio and are literally singing along to the song Problem. Yeah, Zach I’m totally the one you should be calling a fairy princess. I roll my eyes and focus on the facinating beauty before my eyes.

“Get the fuck out of the car. All of you”  a raspy voice growled. This definetly wasn’t Zach. He literally drags Robert out of the car and Alex.. well Alex obeys right away. Of course he does.

“You too Mahone” he turns to my direction opening my door. I kick him in his stomach before he can even touch me. He hisses before looking Rebecca’s direction.

“Mmm what do we have here” he smirks.

“Something you’ll never get”

He turns his head back to me stunned, but still with that stupid smirk on his face. Out of no where another guy appears on Rebecca’s side of the door. Oh shit. He opens it swifly and grabs her. She instantly wakes up.

I reach as fast as possible to grab her but the guy next to me grabbed my legs, keeping me in place. “I see you’ve stopped running your mouth off” he says. I can still feel the smirk apparent on his fucking face. I can hear Becca screaming and I know that they are forcing her in their car. I try to get my way out of this dude’s hands but I can’t.

Where the fuck are Robert and Alex they should be saving her. And Zach too.

“Don’t worry mate, we’ll take good care of her. Maybe even make her feel so good. That’s if she’s a good girl. So sexy”

By this point I’m literally gagging by his words. He’s such a damn pervert for thinking of Rebecca in such way.

But hey I’m no better.

He soon lets go of me and makes a run for it. I get out of my positon and run right out of the car, after him. He hops in his jeep and starts to drive. Robert and Alex are on the side of the road with their hands tied. Of course. Good for nothing. I have no idea where the hell Zach is and to be honest I don’t even care at this point. The jeep drives off.

They got away. THEY FUCKING GOT AWAY. I smash my hands on our car. I swear I am pissed more than ever. Robert should’ve fucking drove off. I don’t even give a shit if we would’ve left Zach behind. And of course Alex didn’t help either by obeying them. Fucking idiot. I’m trying not to care so much for this girl because quite frankly I don’t give a shit about anyone. Never have. Except for my mom. I’m a true man aren’t I? Note the sarcasm.

Robert and Alex are basically begging me to untie them, and I do so.

“Where the hell is Zach? Did Rebecca go with them? Why the fuck did you not fight back those dumbasses?!” My rage is apparent.

“ZACH IS ONE OF THEM!” Alex shouts

What the fuck. I should’ve known.

“Get the fuck up and drive. We are not going to waste anymore time then we already have.” I snap.

“Calm down, princess” Robert makes his snide comment.

“YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN. I AM CALM” I am basically yelling at this point which is kind of ironic.

“No you’re not Austin. We’ll find them.” He speaks calmly.

Why is he so calm? I swear if he’s part of this too..

He enters the car motioning for Alex and I to get in as well. And with that he takes off into the pitchblack road.

This chapter is short, I know. Y'all liked the story so far which is weird considering  Ididn't like where it was going. But I hope you like this chapter! Thank you guys for commenting on the A/N. Your ideas are still open for other fanfics I want to start. I love you guys so much! Thank you for supporting my work and I promise to keep on delivering. So with that said VOTE! COMMENT! FOLLOW

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So comment what you think of the story and answer my question please. Thank you so much loves :) BYYYYE

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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