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Once again, we walked the streets. It felt like that each time we did, our number had dwindled. Instead of our old way of spreading out, we unspokenly decided to clump together. A knot of tension still rested in my stomach at the mere glance at Tate. His roughness with Hector had reminded me of how he treated me, and my annoyance seemed to be burning brighter than before. I didn't attempt to hide it as I kept a bitter frown glued on my face. The others had caught onto my mood, and they didn't bother to say anything.

Why did he have to put him down like that? What has he got against people getting upset? I gritted my teeth as we continued on our journey. I took in a deep breath. I just want this day to go quick.

Today. My eyes closed. Today. What's going to happen? I know that we'll be able to get inside easy enough, but what about after that? They're not going to like us coming in wanting to change things. My fingers trailed down to my belt. Hidden by my loose shirt, I could feel the outline of a gun. My chest clenched in pain. I don't want to have to use this. Please, don't make me use this-


My eyes opened. I recognised the street. It was clean and in perfect condition, which could only mean one thing; Government. The main building must be around the corner. I could hear people, lots of people. The pain in my chest flared and spread out around my body. I glanced to either side of me. Tate had a dirty smirk resting on his mouth. Beth didn't show any emotion. Emily had sucked in her lips. Sam's lips were left slightly apart. Finn stood straight, eyes up. Cold air travelled up my nose as I breathed in. This is it.

We rounded the corner. The building that towered ahead of us. Its windows gleamed in the light of the sun. The fleeting memory of the Sector Transition Ceremony passed through my mind. Then, I felt nervous because of the unknown. Who would have thought I would be the same now, even worse?

My eyes lowered to the base of the tower where lines of guards waited. Every single one was equipped with some sort of weapon. Each one more menacing than the last. As we approached, they all turned. The sound of guns cocking hit my ears. They spread out from the door as it swung open. A woman sauntered out from it. Her face was blank while she motioned for us to follow her. 

If it was possible, the inside was nicer than the outside. Everything was spotless and nothing was out of place. A small amount of decoration adored the room, just enough to make it feel professional and superior to anywhere else. The woman's heels clicked along the flood with her hips swivelling in a smart skirt. Fitting for the sector. Behind us, her tapping was joined by two other sets of feet. I didn't need to turn to deduce that they were guards.

She cleared her throat before she stated, "We're going to the top floor."

None of us responded. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tate look at me. I couldn't help the pricks of annoyance that still touched off me, but I knew better than to ignore what he was trying to tell me. His eyes darted in the direction behind us before returning them to look at me. I gave him a minute nod. The guards' guns shuffled in their hands.

Tate snapped into action as he swung around. His face contorted in concentration and, as he released a grunt, the chairs that lined the walls went flying across the room. They clattered against the guards' heads and they thumped to the floor. Their guns skidded across the ground away from them. I bounced to the ground and snatched them up before turning to my group. Beth gestured for one. I tossed into her arms and settled the other in my own. The woman let out a blubbering shriek as she fumbled for her waist belt. She pulled out a walkie-talkie and she attempted to say something to it but her quivering fingers stalled her. Emily came thundering across to her and knocked her to the ground. The woman squealed again, her feet flailing as she scooted away into a corner. Emily scrambled to her feet before raising her foot and smashing it down on the walkie-talkie. It shattered into hard shards of plastic. The woman's dramatic reaction had taken up all of my attention that I nearly forgot about the guards. Glancing back, they hadn't moved since the chairs had rained down on them. Out cold. 

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