Jar Of Secrets.

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Harold's POV:

I can't lie but this evening seemed so hard for me, I feel like I've experied all kinds of emotions a human being could feel; when Lady told me that she lied about Cody, I felt terrible, I couldn't even believe that Lady is lying all this time, but then, when she told me that he's dead and "she" killed me, I was scared to death. Lady is a criminal? You know that feeling when the person that means a lot to you behaves as the opposite as you though he is, that what I felt. No, I don't mean that I lost respect on her because I know Lady very well, if she had to lie, she had really serious reasons to. Or maybe I don't know her anymore, because the Lady I saw today was diffrent. Also, when she started to cry, I felt like I was ready to do any thing to stop her tears; she was bearly breathing and crying from the bottom of her heart like she was saving those tears since ever. She was screaming like she was trying to get out all her pain and all of her hatred. Even the nurse came running to see if every thing is okay because she heard her cry. But the only though that was in my head is "How did she kill him? What did she mean when she said she killed him?". I litteraly freaked out.

But, I felt something weird when she started talking about how she met him and when they talked for the first time. I didn't know if I have to feel happy because I finally was capable to see her true real smile; her face lighted up with a smile that I've never had seen, even her eyes were happy; I was able to see the sparkling in her eyes like stars shinning in one of those summer nights, when the sky is lake of clouds. I was confused because I either felt so annoyed and not comfortable. Hey! She was telling me how she met Cody, the guy who made my life like a hell, the one that even when he left her -or die- she couldn't stop thinknig of him. It was my first time to hold myself for a long time; I was doing my best to keep the smile on my face and nodd my head from time to time to show her that I'm listening. But after all of this, I have to do it; I promised myself to help her, to do my best or more to see her smile again because after seeing this smile that radiate the glow and the happiness around her halo, I wanted to see it again because she was way beatiful putting it on her.

After I have left the hospital, I'm on my way to her old high school. Rosewood. At this time of the year, the school is closed; it's summer. But i'm hoping that there's someone there. As I pass through the long hallway, I find a young lady sitting behind a computer, she sees me coming to her, she smiles and asks me " Good evening, how can I help you?"

"I want to ask about someone who graduate from class 11', his name is Cody Hamilton."

She looks to me for 5seconds and says "And who are you?"

"I'm an old neighboor of him and I recently came back from Paris. I've lost contact with him for 4 years and I hope you will hepl me with some phone number of him or his new address" I've lied again. I know, it's not good, but she wouldn't tell me a thing if I didn't lie. She types the name and gives me a weird look.

"Are you sure this guy's name is Cody? Because the only Cody who was in this school didn't graduate, he died in his last junior year."

What? But how? But Lady told that they confessin the prom. "Are you sure?"

"I'm so sure, sir. Who could forget Cody Hamilton? He was a brave boy. Even he had stage 2 brain cancer, he didn't lost his faith, but he died fighting. I'm so sorry for his lost."

I can't believe this "It's okay. Thank you so much. Have a nice day".

I leave the school so disappointed but more confused. These informations that the young lady gave me a while ago turned my whole thinking upside and down. Lady had told me they confess in the prom but I just have known that he didn't graduate. And also she told me that she killed him, but he had stage 2 brain cancer. How the hell did she kill him? By causing him cancer? This is the only answer for this question. I though this visit will help me but it just made me more confused. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. it's the hospital number. Oh my God! Did something happen to Lady?

"Hello, Harold Stephen talking" I say with horrified tone.

"Hi, it's Dr. Grinwell, I'm so sorry for scaring you, but I'd love to see you in my office now." Now? It's 8 P.M.

"Now? But is something wrong with Lady?" Oh My God! Something is happening.

"Yes, after half an hour, it's about Lady".

"Do I have to be worried?" I knew it.

"No, no, at all. I just found something. You should come, please. See you in 30 minutes."

And he hang off. I'm not ready to hear some terrible news. I drive to the hospitall. I look outside and it's so dark. "Please God! I'm not that strong to hear something" I though to myself.

As I head to Dr. Grinwell's office, I hear Lady's voice, I get closer to the door and I almost can hear what she's saying:" Dear Cody, I'm so sorry, I can't keep it forever, he's my husband and he never had hurted me once. I am so sorry for breaking our promise, but the guilt keep torturing my life and make me sick. He will never leave me" Her voice strangle by her cry, but she keeps going "He will never, I'm sure of it. I have to let it go." and then she stops.

"The doctor is waiting for you" the nurse appairs from nowhere and scares the shit out off me. I nodd and follow her. The doctor is standing in front of the window. The nurse slaps the door behind her and I stand next the his desk like an idiot waithing from him to may me to set down. Don't tell me he asks to see me to just spend the rest of it looking to the window. Before I open my mouth to speak, he starts talking. "The nurse had find the other day this" and he turn to me holding a box. I know this box very well. It belongs to Lady. I don't know what is insinde because Lady had never may me to see. She always says "The right time to open it will come, and you'll understand why I've waited so long to open it".

"No, I can't. I've promised Lady to never open it until she told me to." The doctor set on his chair and may me to set, finally. "You have to, it could help you." and he push it to my side. "You can go now" and he turns to the other side. Urgh! How rude is he. I leave the hospital bringing with me the bow of secrets. What could be in this box? I'm not reday, as I said, to find out something today. Knowing to much is exhausting.


A/N: Hey again! I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday but I was so sick. I couldn't get up and I hadn't eaten the whole day. but now I'm better that yesterday. So, here's an other chapter, enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Bye. xoxo

By the way, this is a picture of Harold, and I know, i just love Joseph Morgan, he's my favourite actor and I'm addicted to The Vampire Diaries  :D

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