Chapter 25

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Ch. 25

-Juliet's POV-


I saw a tall, very athletically built man sneak up behind the person who shot Hunter. 'Wh--...he's gonna get himself shot!' I thought to myself, thinking about how Hunter tried to stop the robber also and...was punished for it. The man leapt on the robber and brought him down to the floor as a shot was accidentally fired from the gun. Luckily, it just hit the wall and didn't injure anyone. The robber struggled to get away from the man, but failed. The man was a lot bigger than him, and was obviously stronger than him.

"Someone call the cops!!" He said as he struggled to keep the robber down. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed 911, barely managing to tap the right numbers because my hands were shaking so badly. I put the phone to my ear and heard it ring twice when I heard a voice on the other end "Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency?". "I need an ambulance at 320 Springfield Avenue immediately! My boyfriend, Hunter, he's been shot in the abdomen! He's unconscious and he's lost a lot of blood, please you have to send someone now!" I began to cry again. I tried to keep it in so I could speak to the operator, but I couldn't. "There's also been a robbery, please send the police!" I barely managed to tell the operator about the robbery without completely choking up. The operator kept telling me to calm can they do that?! How can they tell me to calm down when the love of my life could be dead??


The robber was unconscious on the floor, seeing as he had been knocked out by the man who had taken him down. I was still sitting up against the wall with Hunter right beside me, still unconscious, and still bleeding. I heard the distant sounds of sirens...could the police and the ambulance be here? Oh God, I hope so. The sounds of multiple sirens grew louder and louder, I could suddenly see red, white, and blue lights on the walls of closed stores. Suddenly at least six cop cars and two ambulances pulled up. I began to cry tears of joy as I looked down at Hunter and ran my fingers through his hair "Hunter! They're here! They're gonna take you to the hospital'll be has to be..." I began to realize the possibility of how long we'd been stuck in that store, and how much blood Hunter had lost. Suddenly Hunter's chances of survival seemed very thin..

My tears of joy turned into tears of great sorrow, when the cops and EMT's came rushing in with gurneys, or whatever you call those bed things on wheels. They ran over to Hunter and quickly but carefully laid him on the gurney. I stood up to follow the EMT's, when I realized my dress was almost completely covered in blood on the front. I saw he EMT's leaving the store with Hunter on their way to the ambulance "Wait!!" I ran after them, I didn't want to be left behind. "Ma'am who are you?". "Who am I?? I'm Hunter's girlfriend! The one who called about all of this! You have to let me ride with Hunter to the hospital, please.." I was about to cry again. "Ok, c'mon, we have to hurry if he's going to have any chance of surviving." I gave him a cruel look as I yelled "om du inte rädda honom du är död!!!" They gave me a strange look as a person in the driver's seat started the vehicle. I forgot I wasn't in Sweden anymore..

But in that moment, it hit me. Even the EMT's don't think he has very good chances of living, if any at all. Hunter could die today, never knowing how much I really love him...

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