Chapter 29

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Ch. 29

-Hunter's POV-


I woke up, blinded at first by the bright lights in the room. 'Wait...wh-where am I..?' I had no clue where I was or why...until I took a long look at my surroundings. 'Wh...a hospital? Why am I in the hospital?' I immediately felt pain in my abdominal area. 'Ah! Ow! Gosh, that hurts...wh-' I looked over and saw Juliet in a chair by the window in my room. I heard her sniffling, as though she had been crying. "J...Juliet....." I barely managed to whisper her name, due to the extreme exhaustion and pain I was feeling. "Hunter?? Oh, Hunter you're ok! I knew you would be ok, I just knew it..." She jumped up and sat on the edge of the bed as she ran her fingers through my messy hair. "What happened?" She looked like she was afraid to answer that question. "Oh, uh...You uh, you were shot..."

"Wh-shot?? What do you mean??" I didn't know how I could have been shot and not remember it! "We um, we were held hostage in a robbery. You tried to stop the robber but he...he....." I could see her begin to tear up. "Juliet, it's ok. It-" I saw she felt guilty, I didn't know why. "No, it's not ok! Don't you see, Hunter? It's not ok! This is all my fault!" Juliet began to cry, and now I felt guilty. I reached my arms out "Juliet..." I wrapped her up in my arms as she lay on my chest, crying. "It's okay...It's okay...."


-Juliet's POV-


Hunter and I lay there, both of us buried in our own thoughts. I decided to break the silence, "So...have they told you how long you'll be in here?" I just wanted Hunter out of that Hospital bed. "No...I actually haven't seen a doctor since I've woken up."

"Well, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go see if I can find someone who can tell me when you can go home."

I gave Hunter a kiss on the forehead as I stood up. I walked out and began to look around for someone who I could talk to. I didn't see anyone, so I went to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" A nice woman sitting behind the desk smiled at me.

"My boyfriend Hunter had surgery last night, I was wondering who the head surgeon was."

"Let me see..." She sat at her computer for a few moments before speaking again, "That was Dr. Raines."

"Do you know where he is? I'd like to speak with him."

"I'll have him come down to Mr. Hayes' room for you, miss."

"Ok, thank you." I walked back to Hunter's room. "Hey, Hunt." I said smiling.

"Hey, Jules. What'd they say?"

"Well I spoke to someone at the front desk and they said they'd send someone down here soon."

"Oh, okay. In the meantime, mind filling me in on what happened?"

"Ha, sure." I sat beside Hunter on the bed as I began to tell him about last night...

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