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 As I turned the corner outside of the high school, I stopped, realizing that since I had just altered the turn of events, I needed see what sort of damage it had done. Turning back around, I pulled open the heavy double doors my shoes padding lightly on the linoleum floor as I hesitantly walked towards the student lounge area, peering through the doorway.

Inside, I could see Veronica's back facing the door, arms crossed over her chest, as Josie and Ethel stood in front of her, completely blindsided by the confrontation. A few students were watching them from nearby, and I gulped, wondering if I had done the right thing.

 "I can't believe this. Josie, Ethel I honestly thought you were my friends and then I hear you have plans to sabotage my campaign trail?" Veronica said to them, her voice wavering slightly.

The two girls in front her were shocked but not apologetic as they narrowed their eyes at her.

Josie scoffed, waving her hand in the air. "Girl please. After everything your parents did to make my mom leave the mayor office, and you just jumping into the Pussycats group without even talking to me about it" Josie replied, crossing her arms with a smug expression.

Ethel rolled her eyes at Veronica. "Don't act so innocent, Veronica. You think trying to bribe me into getting my dad a pity job at your dad's idea of a prison is going to right all wrongs? My father tried to commit suicide because of your dad. We all know you had a hand in this operation, and now karma's back to bite you" Ethel snapped before she and Josie turned to leave the room, walking down the hallway angrily.

I sighed, about to go in the lounge to comfort Veronica as best as I could when I remembered the flyers.

"Okay where would they put them where where where?" I thought and hurriedly ran down the other end of the hallway towards the faculty room where the copiers were and ran in there, finding the flyers all stacked up as I tossed them into the paper shredder.

That wasn't the end though, I knew there was a digital trace. I heard someone whistling and I turned to see Kevin walking down the hallway.

"Kevin I need your help stat!" I called and he looked surprised, pointing at himself before walking into the copy room.

"Josie and Ethel made flyers saying bad things about Veronica and I shredded them already but do you know anyone who can find the original digital copy?" I asked in a hurry.

His eyes widened and he thought for a moment and then Fangs Fogarty was rushed into the computer lab, going through files until he was able to find the original copy deleting it.

"Lifesaver" Kevin breathed, holding a palm to his heart and Fangs grinned.

The two turned to me afterwards. "Let's just hope there's no copy kept in a phone or whatnot" I replied, and they nodded in agreement as Fangs left the room to go do some serpent business.

"Audrey, how did you know about the flyers again?" Kevin asked, curious as we left the computer lab, seeing Sweetpea waiting for Fangs in the corner, and looking at me darkly.

I turned away hurriedly walking ahead of Kevin. "I told you, I heard Josie and Ethel in the student lounge earlier this morning" I explained, and he nodded with a shrug.

As we walked I could see Veronica and Betty talking in hushed tones near their lockers, and they looked tense.

"Uh oh, B and V meltdown I better go handle this" Kevin said and I nodded, walking the rest of the way out the school grounds.

As I walked across the parking lot, I heard a revving of a motorcycle, and it stopped beside me, cutting off my walking path.

Looking up, I see Sweetpea again, his dark eyes suspicious and still stony faced.

Good god, again?

"How did you know about the tagging in the Southside?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

I gaped at this, tugging on my backpack straps. "It was all over the gossip channel when I was in Greendale" I explained, hoping he wouldn't question it anymore, and he didn't look too convinced.

"And that situation with that Lodge girl?" he asked, eyebrows raising.

I exhaled slowly. "Why does it matter how I know? But if you must know I overheard Josie and Ethel talking in the student lounge about it" I said firmly.

His eyes were still narrowed before he gunned the engine, causing me to step back again startled, and he rode off.

"Ugh that angry serpent bear..." I grumbled hurrying on my way home.

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