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"Have a nice trip in Ghoulie land, new girl?" Josie sneered in a low voice, smiling as she walked past me in the library, and I glared back at her.

"I could've been killed, you dumb bitch" I spat back at her, my voice low as I stopped her in the corner of the aisleway near the non-fiction section.

She smiled softly, placing her hands on her hips. Although she was a few inches taller than me, I could've snapped her like a twig. But I did not need a suspension on my hands, especially considering the principal could call my parents in and how would they do that?

"Oh silly Audrey. If you even try telling anyone, you don't have any proof. Plus my mother is dating the Sheriff, so you're basically fucked" she said triumphantly, before waving goodbye waggling her fingertips before sauntering off.

"Damn" a low voice murmured behind me and I let out a small shriek, moving backwards against the bookshelf as a few books fell out.

 A few people shushed me from the study tables and I sighed, seeing Sweetpea standing there as I held a hand to my heart.

"Shit, you scared me" I replied, moving to pick up the dropped books and setting them back in the shelf.

"You're always dropping things or falling around me, Oliveros, why?" Sweetpea said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes sighing before leaving the non-fiction section, pushing through the clear glass double doors of the study area to leave the library, aware that Sweetpea was still walking a few feet behind me.

I raised an eyebrow at him as I descended the staircase, with him walking beside.

"Um, why are you following me?" I asked, and he stopped walking as we got to the first floor of the library.

"I heard, what that girl said. How she ordered the hit on you" he explained quietly.

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Ordered a hit? What is this high school mafia?" I retorted and Sweetpea rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious. Anyway, you really gonna let her get away with almost getting you beat up or worse by the Ghoulies?" he asked, questioningly.

I shrugged. "You heard what she said, the Sheriff's on her side. But it's whatever, I'm still in one piece" I said, brushing this off as I made my way out of the library, aware of the very tall shadow still nearby.

"What?" I turned to him, irritated now at his persistence.

He raised an eyebrow at the shrillness of my voice. "No offense but you're only in one piece cause of me. But the Lodges are on your side since you sided with their little girl, I bet. Maybe use that for leverage" he offered and I leaned on one hip, raising my eyebrow back at him, other students walking into and out of the library entrance as we stood nearby.

"I don't think that's a good idea, but thanks anyway. And you're right. I still owe you. Want anything from Pop's?" I offered, and he gave just a brief hint of a smile, shaking his head.

I shrugged continuing my way to the parking lot. "Suit yourself. I'm a little nervous now what you expect in return for saving my life" I reply, as he walked over to his motorcycle.

He looked back. "Really? What kind of options were you thinking of?" he asked, curious.

"Who knows? How much is a life worth these days, right? My family's not exactly made of money so I may have a hard time coming up with whatever you'll eventually ask for" I reply, walking towards the intersection of the crosswalk, pressing the pedestrian button.

He revved up his motorcycle. "Well maybe it doesn't really cost anything" he replied back and I looked back at him, narrowing my eyes.

"Joking. Only joking" he said his palms out. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, don't take too long, this genie's getting tired of granting wishes" I joked, he scoffed lightly giving me a small nod before riding off as I nodded back, waiting til the pedestrian sign came on and started to walk back home before calling back to the serpent.

"Hey, Sweetpea!" I called out and he glanced back stopping his motorcycle for a moment, surprised.

"If you ever change your mind about being friends, let me know. I could always use friends" I said with a small shrug, and he said nothing, glancing at me for a moment before continuing on his way.

I continued on my way back home, wondering why I even offered friendship to a serpent, and shuddered to myself, unsure, walking inside my house and shutting the door behind me.

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