Prologue. (Book Trailer Included)

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I laid underneath the bed and watched as blood trickled down from my oldest and only brothers' forehead. I could tell he was dead. His bright, brown skin was now turning super light and he was close to pale. His lifeless body laid limped on his back and the eyes that always smiled was now staring back at me with no emotion.

The tears slowly started to roll down my face. I sniffed a little and watched the black boots that was near his body walk in circles around him. Strong liquid was poured around my brothers body and I soon realized it was gasoline.

They were going to burn his body?

I slowly shook my head and continued to cry. Where was my Dad when I needed him the most? Out killing and making money as far as I was concerned. That's all he ever did.

I heard a match start and before I knew it, my brothers' body was bursting into flames. I screeched once a flame flew under the bed in front of me. I watched the black boots walked to the side of the bed.

"Lila! Lila!" I heard my Dad's strong voice yell out from downstairs. He must of just got home.

I looked at the boots and saw them quickly walking away. As I started hyperventilating, I heard a gun cock back and a bullet drop to the floor as the person walked out the room. I quickly pushed myself from under the bed and ran to the drawer in the room. I pulled it open and grabbed one of the tiny pistols.

I ran out the room and started walking to the staircase as I heard fumbling and yelling. I stood to the edge of the staircase and looked over the rail and saw the man and my Dad fighting.

I continued to breathe heavy as the man got my Dad on the ground. It seemed like he broke the ankle of his own leg as he limped to the gun.

I slowly pointed the gun and my Dad made eye contact with me. "Lila, shoot him! Shoot!" I could hear him yelling as he laid on the ground, holding his stomach. The strange man looked towards me and I pulled the trigger.

But I missed. I can't believe I missed. All the training I did was for nothing. But I got lucky because the bullet punctured his right hand, knocking the gun from his grasp. My Dad kicked his leg and the man dropped and quickly grabbed the gun again but I shot just in time.

But the guy shot the same time I did.

I dropped the gun and watched as the man and my Dad fell back at the same time. "Dad!" I yelled. I ran down the stairs and flew to his side, holding his shirt.

He wasn't dead... He was alive! He looked like he went into complete shock because his eyes was wide and he was breathing heavy through his mouth. I looked at the gun wound on his shoulder and shook my head as tears started to flood my eyes again. "I'm sorry," I repeated over and over again.

"Call 911," he said barely audible. "Where's Quinton?"

"The man killed him. His body is burning upstairs," I cried. "I didn't warn him in time."

"Call the police. Now," he said.

That was the first time I ever failed my Dad at something. My brother was only fifteen, turning sixteen two weeks afterwards. I was only eight. I was so use to that kind of stuff but never have I ever seen a gun pulled out on any of my family members.

Nothing was okay after that. Nothing. Life changed for the worse and I was now in the middle of it.


How was the Prologue? Just an inside on what the main character went through that changed her life and got to where she is now. Throughout the next chapters, you will see how she is and what it's like to be her. Stay tuned for the character pictures in chapters after a new character is introduced!

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