Chapter Sixteen // Keith.

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The next day was very long and quiet. I was in the basement trying to watch a movie lowly but I kept getting distracted. I think about girls a lot but not as much as I do about Hailey. She has me hooked for some reason. What is it about her? Maybe because she's a total badass, I don't know. Even though she hates me, I can't actually hate her. I have no reason to. I love the way she treats me because it's almost like a rollercoaster with her; an adventure. One moment, we love each other's company, next, we're yelling at each other about something and then, we're all in our feelings and we just need to be by each other. I don't think that's something I want... I think it's something I need. I crave for that too.

My parents found out about my suspension since the principal called them but they didn't say much about it, something I expected. All they told me was to stay out of trouble. That's basically it. I know every teen wants a parent like that but c'mon, who really wants a parent that doesn't pay attention to them at all? No disciplines, nothing. That's all I want in my parents. I want to get cussed out for having sex in the school restrooms; I want to be locked in the basement for a week for getting charges for underage drinking; I want my Mom to say how much she wants to strangle me for skipping school and lying to her face about it. I just want things like that. Is that too much to ask for?

I felt my phone vibrate and I was hoping it would be Hailey but instead, the name Mia popped up on my lock screen. Mia has the nerve to text me after what she pulled in the office yesterday? Even though I didn't want to read it, I checked it anyway and read the text: I'm coming over. I don't care if you like it or not. We need to talk. I groaned a little. I forgot she got suspended too. She only got one day so she'll be back in school tomorrow. I was looking forward to what she had to say to me.

After about ten minutes, I heard the basement door open. I looked up to see Mia walking down the steps. I didn't realize how bad she looked until she sat down beside me. Her face was red and puffy, her hair was wild, she was wearing lazy clothes but usually she would match but today, she didn't at all. Something has to be wrong with her because she's never like this.

"Are you okay?" I slowly asked her. I don't even think she heard me. I touched her shoulder and she kind of jumped and looked up at me. "I asked you are you okay, Mia."

She started shaking her head as her face started turning an even brighter red. "Leon broke up with me," she struggled to say. "He's so mad at me."

I was kind of shocked at that. They've been dating for awhile so to know that he just broke up with her for that incident is crazy to me. They're in love with each other but I think Mia's love is stronger even though Leon spoils her on random days out the week. I know she was really upset but that couldn't be the reason why she looked this bad. "Why did he break up with you?"

"Because of what I did to you yesterday," she groaned, trying to hold her tears in. "Keith, I'm very sorry. I really am. I was just so mad at you for what you did that I didn't realize I was telling something that you've always regretted. If Hailey is still mad at you for what I did, I'm seriously sorry."

"Well, good for me, Hailey isn't upset with me. I'm honestly concerned about you right now," I told her truthfully.

"I gave him my everything, Keith," she whined. "I even gave him my virginity! Something that was important to me! Something that only that one special guy could take! Leon was that special guy. I gave it to him three days ago. How can he just break up with me like that once we shared something so special?"

I didn't know what to say to her. Honestly, I thought Leon was been hitting that but I guess not. Who knew he could have patience with having sex? But why is she telling me this? I don't really care about taking girls virginities and never talking to them again. I'm just that type of dude. I don't know any better. I thought she would go to Kyra about this but she decided to come to me. "Mia, I seriously can't help you with that. I'm sorry."

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