Chapter Thirteen. (Book Trailer Added)

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Above is a small trailer I made for the book. It's my second one I've made but the first one to this story. I'm still learning how to use it so just give me some time lol.


I laid in the bed for a good ten minutes, trying to figure out if I should get up. I didn't really want to go to school because I would have to face Keith. I didn't want to come off harsh if he does try to talk to me because then, all he will do is try harder to talk to me. So, I would just have to avoid him and ignore him. Good thing we only have one class together for today.

I sighed and decided to go ahead and get up because it wasn't worth being late. I'm sure my Dad wasn't home and if he was, Lord, it would be surprising.

I started up the shower then walked to the mirror, staring at my hair. The brown hair actually fitted on me and I was starting to get use to it. Some of the brown was fainting from it so now, it looked like a mix of brown and black which made it look better.

I slipped my clothes off and put it in the hamper in the corner of the bathroom. I stepped in the shower washed myself over and over again, trying to wake myself up. After I finished, I turned the shower off and stepped out, drying myself off with the towel on the marble holder. I wrapped it around me and walked to my dresser, getting some underclothes out, soon slipping them on. I was back in the bathroom and I combed my hair up, putting it in a ponytail then twisting it in a bun which looked freakishly large on top of my head. But it will have to do for today.

I brushed my teeth and after I finished, I walked to my closet. I stared at all the clothes, trying to see what we look good to wear. I actually felt lazy today so I just picked out a red, whilte, gray and blue sweater with some black slim sweatpants and then grabbed some Jordan's to match that was sitting in the cubby holders that was lined up near the back of the closet. I turned the light off and started putting on the clothes.

I put a light amount of perfume and grabbed the book bag that I put my notebook and binder in for my classes today. I threw it over my shoulder and walked downstairs. I sighed once I knew my Dad wasn't here. He probably won't be back until midnight. I got my keys and turned the alarm on for all the doors and the windows before locking the door behind me and stepping out, getting hit by a cold breeze. Hate the cold. My face would be partially red before I even get to the school. I got in the car and immediately turned the heat right when I put the key in the ignition and turned it on. I rubbed my hands together, blowing in them lightly before putting my seatbelt on.

Safety first.

I pulled up to the school and saw kid's rushing inside the building, some still sitting in their cars or trucks. I looked around and saw Mia pull into a parking spot not far from where I was. She didn't waste any time getting out her car and rushing inside. She probably felt lazy too. She had on a oversized yellow hoody, black leggings and she had on moccasins with her hair pinned up in a tight bun like mines, making her green hair stand out from the black. I stopped staring at people around me and turned my car off, grabbing my bag from the passenger seat. I got out and shut the doors, rushing to not get caught by the cold.

I looked back once I heard screeching tires and a girl scream. Me and people that were around looked and whoever the girl was started cussing at the person who was sitting in the car and she punched the hood with her fist. I kind of laughed and slowly shook my head. Not the first time I've seen that. It was worse when I was in New York.

Walking through the halls, I examined everyone around me. Everyone mostly had that same, over the top style. Everything they wore looked expensive but I have to remember, this is Beverly Hills. Then I started to hate myself because I remembered my locker was on the outside of the school. Why do they have to do this to us? Not cool.

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