Chapter 47

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Ashstar woke up in the cave to the sound of heavy wind outside. A blizzard. It had been three days already since they had found the Tribe of Rushing Water. Stoneteller was nice enough to let them live in the cave for a few days. And once that blizzard was over, they would finally be able to start traveling to their new home. And when they did get home, Ashstar would make Jaywing's kits into warriors, and Ivypool's kits into apprentices. He'd also start to train Rust and Flower; Rust to be sneaky, and Flower to swim. Ashstar purred. It was nice that they could be away from those nasty rogues. 

Paw steps echoed through the cave, and one of the Cave-Guards appeared beside Ashstar. It was Hawk. A Prey-Hunter was beside him. It was Frost. The two cats padded out of the cave. Ashstar wondered why they would go out in the middle of a blizzard. He got to his paws and stretched, yawning. He padded over to the fresh-prey pile and grabbed a small mouse. He took it and gulped it down in a few bites. Ashstar felt relaxed. 

"Ashstar," A rough voice meowed behind him.

Ashstar turned to see Stoneteller padding towards him. "What is it?" He asked, his tail flicking and his whiskers twitching. 

"We've seen the land you're talking about and we've been down there once. There's a ton of prey and right beyond that huge moor, there's a huge twoleg place. Maybe some kittypets will join your Clan," He meowed. "I know some of them that live there," He explained.

"That'll help us build the Clans back into their normal state," Ashstar realized. His tail swished over the cave floor. 

"Seems like this blizzard won't end anytime soon," Stoneteller sighed. "You'll have to wait longer. Maybe tomorrow," Stoneteller meowed. Then he padded off, back into the cave where he usually slept. 

Ashstar sighed and looked outside of the cave. It was still snowing heavily. He got to his paws and padded over to the dip in the cave where he was sleeping. He curled up in the moss, his tail tip twitching slightly. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over. 

Ashstar woke up to the sound of cheerful voices. He opened his eyes and looked outside the cave. It was snowing lightly now, and the snowflakes were smaller. He got to his paws and stretched. A light touch on his shoulder made Ashstar turn around and he saw Stoneteller.

"It's time to go," He meowed sadly. "I'll lead you down the trail that we used. It might take a day or two to get all the way down, so keep your strength up and eat," The light brown cat meowed. He pushed a fat mouse towards Ashstar. "And I'll get us all some traveling herbs."

"Wait," Ashstar meowed. "I don't need any traveling herbs," He meowed. 

Stoneteller dipped his head. "As you wish then," He sighed. He padded into the small den that was in the back of the cave.

After Ashstar ate the mouse, he stepped outside and saw all his Clanmates farther up the mountain. He raced up to greet them. Stoneheart and Jaywing were farther up, talking with Cinderheart and sharing a hawk together. Ashstar raced up to them. 

Jaywing looked up, purring. "Ashstar, look!"  She mewed. She flicked her tail towards the distance and down below them. Looks like Stoneheart had been right...

There were two forests beside eachother. A dark forest and light oak forest. Both were huge. And beside the two of them was another forest but with less trees. A large river ran straight through that forest and got smaller as it ran towards the dark forest and light forest. The river then split and one part ran through the dark forest while the other ran through the oak forest, then the river joined again farther down the two territories and ran through the moor and was cut off by a hill past the moor. It was perfect. 

"It's beautiful," Ashstar meowed. He looked over at the waterfall that rushed down the side of the mountain, giving the river down below life. Ashstar stood still and let the wind tug his fur. He looked at the sun setting. It was so peaceful up in the mountains besides all those blizzards and the terrifying drop down below. It was just beautiful up here, being able to look down below and see everything. Ashstar felt like an eagle. He closed his eyes, thinking to himself. Our new home will be perfect....

"Lets go!" Stoneteller meowed. The old cat then began to move down the mountain slowly, Ashstar following him, his Clanmates right behind him. He followed Stoneteller as he turned a corner and started walking down a slope. The slope wasn't steep. He continued to follow Stoneteller.

A full moon was already in the sky by the time they had made it to a slighly large cave in the side of the mountain. They were getting ready to go to sleep. Sadly, they had no moss to sleep on, so they had to sleep on the hard cave floor. Ashstar curled up, Jaywing, Stoneheart, and Cinderheart laying beside him. He closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.


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