Chapter 65

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Russetstar caught Ice's scruff in her jaws and she swung her head back and threw him across the cave. Ice's nose hit the hard floor roughly, and he felt a wet liquid trickle from his nose. He struggled to his paws and then saw a light brown body on the floor. Was that Stoneteller?

He ran over to the limp brown body. Blood pooled around Stoneteller and a gash was in his throat. Ice gaseped in horror. He was dead. 

White fur was on Stoneteller's shoulder. 

"Stoneteller,"  Ice breathed. Stoneteller had been his best friend for a long time. They'd been raised as kits together. A scratch burned on his shoulder and his ear stung like fire. He looked around him, seeing the dead bodies of Rain, Gray, Root, Moss, Fish, and Cry. He saw a large white tom with a black tail. He had blue eyes. Blood stained his paws. 

Ice realized that they were losing. He then saw the black tom that Stoneteller had killed. He was alive again! But how? 

A dark ginger tom was battling with Ice's mate, Wolf. Ice leaped through the air, landing at Wolf's side. He slashed the dark ginger tom's head and struck the tom's ears with his claws. 

The dark ginger tom leaped on Ice and pinned him down, then sunk his fangs in Ice's throat. 

Ice struggled under the tom's weight, then clawed at his belly with his hind paws. The tom wouldn't move, and Ice was struggling to breathe. 

Wolf leaped on the tom and sunk her fangs into his neck. She pulled him off of her mate, and stood, panting.  

Ice struggled to his paws and bared his teeth at the dark ginger tom, but then realized that the tom was dead. Pool streamed from a gash on his neck and blood pooled around him. 

Wolf's ear was torn and trickled blood. She had a scratch on her cheek and a heavy bleeding scratch on one shoulder. Ice realized that all these cats would need healing, and right now he was the only cat that knew about healing. 

"We... we need to call a retreat," Wolf pointed out. "More cats will die!" She panted.

"Well, maybe," Ice meowed.

"Maybe? Do you want more cats to die? Stoneteller died, and what If you die?" She asked, hurt edging her voice.

"Calm down. There's no need to worry about me getting killed," Ice soothed.

"I have every right to worry about you getting killed, I'm your mate!" Wolf snapped. She lashed her bushy tail. "Call a retreat before more cats die! Please!" She cried.

Ice realized that she was right. I can't die, I'm the only one here who knows how to heal!

Before Ice could open his jaws, a dark brown tabby tom leaped from the shadows and onto Wolf. "Want to call a retreat? Cowards, we'll kill you all!" He hissed. He raised a paw and brought it down to Wolf's throat. Blood sprayed the tabby's face.

"Wolf! No!" Ice cried out. He leaped at the brown tabby and pushed him to the ground, baring his fangs at him. He unsheathed his claws and sunk them into the tabby's eye, then roughly ripped them out.  The tom screeched with terror. Blood and fur leaped into the air and a rounded piece of flesh that was stained with dark red blood.

The brown tabby scratched the hard cave floor with his claws and whimpered, then struggled to his paws. His right eye was missing and blood streamed from the socket and trickled down to his muzzle, staining his lips red and making blood drip from his whiskers. He bared his teeth at Ice, then leaped at him. 

Ice dodged quickly, then slashed the tom's legs, making him trip and slump on his side. Before the brown tabby could regain his footing, Ice leaped on him and sunk his fangs into his shoulder. He ripped off his fur and spat it on the ground, then sunk his fangs into the tom's throat. 

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