Chapter 61

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"Take out the border patrol," Ashstar meowed to Squirrelflight. He turned away from her and padded to the rocks that led up to his den along with High Ledge. He climbed up the rocks and padded up on High Ledge. He scanned his Clan, seeing that Rust and Flower were by the fresh-kill pile, their tails entwined together. Ashstar growled inwardly. Were they secretly going to become mates? "All cats old enough to hunt join beneath the High Ledge for a Clan meeting!" His voice rung around the camp.

His whole Clan had gathered and they were staring expectantly at Ashstar, their eyes dull.

"Rust, Flower, Ebonyfur, Sappaw, Pinepaw, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, and Littlecloud, come to my den," He meowed. He watched as all the cats gathered and climbed up the rocks to come to his den. Ashstar turned and walked into his den, sitting down on the moss. 

"What is it?" Rust asked.

"About building RiverClan and ShadowClan," Ashstar told the tom. For a quick second, he almost thought he saw relief in the tom's eyes. 

"So should I take them to the MoonCave?" Littecloud asked.  

"Yes, Rust and Flower should go," Ashstar meowed. "And I'll also go," He told them. 

"What about us?" Tigerheart asked. 

"Wait until we get back," Ashstar answered. He turned his tail on them and took the lead of the group as Littlecloud, Rust, and Flower followed him. They reached the camp entrance and waited for a moment. "Are you ready?" He asked the patrol.

The cats nodded, yet there was a look of fear in Rust's eyes. Flower leaned against him, and the fear faded. The group headed out.

Ashstar was crossing through the paths and cutting through the thick undergrowth. He could hear the river rushing past on the far side of the territory. His whiskers twitched with suspicion as he caught the scent of rogue. It seemed fresh. He halted and swished his tail for the patrol to stop. He closed his eyes and focused on the smells around him. Ashstar couldn't smell it  anymore. Maybe he had just imagined it...

Closer to the Mountain Trail, the wind blew strongly, carrying with it the scents of Twoleg Place and rogues. Rocks fell from the steep trail and Ashstar realized that they should've come here at night when he looked up to see the sun. His ear twitched as he heard rustling behind him. He thought it was some cat in his patrol, but every cat that had come here was right behind him. His muscles tensed and he turned to pad a bit toward the moving bush.

"What's wrong?" Rust asked.

"I think someone's following us," Ashstar growled, his tail bushing up. 

Rust flattened his ears. "Well once we get up the mountain, they'll have nothing to hide in, that is, if some cat is following us," He pointed out.

"I guess you're right," Ashstar sighed after a moment of silence. He turned. "Let's go," He mewed. 

As they started climbing the trail, a hiss came from behind them.

"Darn right some cat followed you!" A voice hissed.

Ginger fur caught Ashstar's eye as he turned, then was quickly able to make out the figure of Kindle. "Kindle?!" He hissed. 

"Yes, it's me!" Kindle growled. She flicked her tail and more figures stepped from the bushes. Ashstar was able to recognize Flame and Vally. They leaped to Kindle's side. Two more figures stepped from the bushes: A brown tom with amber eyes and a gray she-cat. 

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