Forbidden Love

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(Y/N)= Your Name
Words= 1725

There's a story of a girl, one who is never seen, but sees all. 'The wind!' People would call her, they'd say she was the whisper you'd hear in the faint wails of an evening storm. Some say she's an angel, or a spirit, or perhaps even a demon. Some say she's merely a legend or a hero that guides lost souls to their final resting place.
But to one soul, she was a realty. To that one soul, she is all he has.

•. •. •. •. •.

At long last, Neverland! The place you yearned for and the place you have been to in your dreams! The land of wonder and magic, think it- and you can have it all!

That's gotta be a nice place.

But oh- oh no. Neverland was not some sandy beach with lovely shrubs and oak trees and the nicest boy with the cutest, littler boys. It was not the place they had talked about in books, or in the movie. It was the exact opposite opposing from the few lone standing facts that were true. Neverland did have a beach. You just got dropped there surrounded by killer mermaid infested waters, there was forestry. It was just dense enough that you couldn't see the rays of the sun. Peter Pan is yes, a boy. And yes- he had lost boys. But they were no innocent ten year olds. Peter Pan was over a hundred years old stuck in the body of a teen, his Lost Boys were ruthless, killing machines with the exception of raging hormones running their bodies like fuel for all eternity.

Eternity? You ask. Well you see, Pan does not let people off his island with the wave of his hand. There has to be a reason. And it better be damn good because if it isn't? He kills you.



You've grown to like the stupid place anyways.

•. •. •. •. •.

"So! Welcome to Neverland." You walk backwards and offer the Pirates a devilish grin. "Afraid I can't show you around today but I am quite late, tata!" You suck your hand from the not-so-tight rope bounds and bolt into the forestry.

"HeY! After her!" A pirate shouts.

You sling up onto a branch and throw a pine one towards the Dreamshade bush.

Poor unfortunate souls.

Your arms stick out as you balance yourself on the somewhat thick branch walking towards the camp.

Once arrived Felix shows his face for once and takes his hood off, "Have you taken care of them?" His low voice portrays.

"Done and dirty." You rub your dirty hands together then on your black jeans, "Lighten up a little." You slap him on his shoulder blade and stride off to grab some food. You're late for dinner.

"Ah." You groan in relief feeling the satisfaction of fresh bread hit your stomach, "I could do very unholy things with this garlic bread in the woods, Theo." You hold the bread out in front of your face mouthing 'thank you' like it's the last thing you'll ever eat.

"That's completely and utterly wrong, and I'm just going to pretend I never heard that." Peter bounces up behind you and snatches some bacon.

"Well look whose in a good mood." You playfully sneer at the leader of lost boys.

"I have a new game." He leans down to your level and smiles.

Oh I can see the hormones waving at me from behind his eyes.

"Oh no!" You smack you hands to your cheeks, "What ever will I do!" You put the back of your right hand on your forehead and bat your eyelashes at Peter.

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