What you do on your guys' spare time

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(Y/N)= Your Name
Words= 1315


It's a busy place when there's two rulers and about fifty boys closed off on a secluded island with an never-ending time loop, so, you usually don't get a lot of time off. But fear not, when you two lovebirds get even the smallest sliver of free time, you use it like it's your last.

-You go on long walks down the beach where he'd give you piggy back rides. But, sometimes you'd purposefully lean a little too much to one side to the point that he's either stumble over or have to fly up a few inches to catch the both of you.

"Peter?" You grinned into his hair as he hoisted you up further on his back.

"Yes, my love?" He tried looking back at your face but you couldn't give it away.

Before you answered you threw yourself off of his back and landed in the sand with an oof! Yes, you were wearing less clothing but sadly you still got sand everywhere, "Aha! I told you you couldn't catch me every time!!"

He puffed and plopped down next to you on the not-so-soft-looking-sand, "Darling, I will always pick you up when you fall, but, Jesus! When will this madness end!" He extended his arms over your shoulders and tackled you to the ground.

"It shall end when I die!" You mimicked the line is a rather terrible British accent.

"And you shall never die, for our alluring love shall keep you alive." He pushed his lips to your forehead and whispered some quiet, lovely words, erupting with love, "You are a warrior anyways, there will always be new life in the steps you take."

-Other times you two would take a more mischievous approach, and you'd prank the boys. Whether it be dropping magic balls of water on them, or scaring everyone with magic and a little bit of scary makeup, your times are always a blast when it's with the love of your life!!

"Are you ready?" Peter pulled his fake-blood evil smile mask down on his face.

"Ready as I can be," you pulled his mask up and stole a smooch before yanking both his, and yours down to conceal your identities.. Well, the masks were for the scare, but the chance of the boys not knowing seems diabolically fun.

"On my signal," He mouthed. You and Peter sat in the treetops waiting for all of the boys to come back for lunch break.

You held the water above your head waiting for the perfect attack moment.



"NOW!" Peter jumps from the tree creating a plume if dry dust stoning your nostrils while you tucked and rolled down next to him.

"PIRATES!" Lars screamed, grabbing his weapon along with the other older ones while the littler kids hide behind trees or, if they're brave enough, grab a sharpened stick they whittled on their spare time.


"ONE," You yelled glancing at the blanket of aqua floating above everyone's heads.

"TWO," Peter added onto your countdown, orotund voice rang about.

You nodded up at the giant wave that was about to drop like a massive bomb on the boys.

Their hollers to run into the tents were drowned out, but before you lost all your senses you saw a flash of a boy named Arden dropping his sword, aggravation on his face saying, "Ah, fuck it."

Let's just say the rest of the day was well spent in cleaning up the mess..

-Every now and then Peter would throw you a fun ~couples~ retreat by the Oceanside, treetops, or sometimes he would take you to your world for a new-age movie date! Once, he took you to the Enchanted Forest (it was your first time so it was even more magical then the other times you went).

"(Y/N)... Where are you?" He growled, throwing open the treehouse door.

Your games of hide n' seek were very aggressive. Lots of kisses, wolf whistling when you knew the other wasn't gonna catch you... Like I said, aggressive..

"C'mon, (Y/N) I'm taking you somewhere new today." You watched him from your perch on the mahogany wardrobe next to the door.

"Is that so?" You chimed, watching him come to a complete halt in the middle of the hallway.

"That IS so, m'love." He turned and grinned at you, "We're going to the Enchanted Forest."

The next hour consisted of what colour leather pants you should wear, and what you guys were gonna do.

•. •. •. •. •.

As a pair, you went on a ~romantic~ walk into the woods, along the beach, and stopped at a little fruit vendor who made you a strawberry-lemon smoothie.

"A fruity, he called it!" The amount of innocence in that man's voice when he called it a 'fruity' was just a little aggravating as a SMOOTHIE is one of your favourite things!

"Well, darling, this is a different realm, things are gonna be different," he pulled you off to the side where a little hill was so you could watch the sun go down, and the stars come out.

"Yes, yes. I know, but does it not hurt to let him know what I call it?" You sipped some more on the rather delicious drink.

"Best leave things as they are," he sat on the grass next to you.

So that's what you did, you left the flowers alone the rest of the nigh instead of plucking the petals off, you didn't call that deer over to socialize with, you just existed. No strings attached.. That is.. Until you spotted something worth not leaving alone.

While glancing at the mesmerizing trees a movement, unlike the rhythms of the leaves caught your attention.

You leaned over Peter's lap (ignoring his confused looks) and really understood what you were seeing.

"Holy SHIT, PETER IT'S A FUCKING UNICORN," You whispered-yelled in his ear.

"That it is!" He whistled and caught the majestic creature's attention.

Then, you whistled, then Peter, then you! It went on like that for while until you noticed that the unicorn was gone and you guys were just whistling at each other for the last few hours! And, boy, did it get chilly.

"This has been the BEST night." You held yourself close to him to keep warm.

He kissed your cold cheek, "A night like this couldn't have been spent any better with anyone else!"

A/N... OKAY! So I haven't been on wattpad for a little over (or maybe under) two months.. Well.. that's a lie. I haven't been writing on wattpad in that timespan.. But, fear not, I always get a little more situated with a better schedule when I have WiFi and school is going on.. Which is soon for me. I am so happy that there's 5.1K reads!! That is so amazing!! I am so so so so happy I get to live in the same lifetime as you guys and gals and everyone everyone under the rainbow :)
P.S... My messages have been a little dry.. Like a desert.. I think I can see some cacti growing.. Ask some requests(MESSAGE ME PLS DO NOT COMMENT!! V hard to manage that way..) So, help out this desert and add a raincloud by requesting a plot, lyric, storyline, character, etc! I'm open to all things of all kinds!! (No smut pls, fluff is okay ;)) ALSO! If you see a spelling error or grammar problem feel free to NICELY correct me so I can fix it, thanks!
Happy Reading, Cheers, bumblebees🐝!

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