That Time Of The Month 1/2

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(Y/N)= Your Name
Requested by: SarcasticBitch97
Words= 904

"How do I put this.." You pondered, looking at your clueless friend, Felix.

"You need to be more confident, (Y/N). Peter will only understand better if you stand up for yourself." He sat back down the brown chair behind him.

"Yes I know but if I'm too confident I get ahead of myself, then the next thing I know I'm lying in the forest half naked." You frowned do deeply it was like a now permanent stain on your face.

"Yes, but you'll have to learn to control it someday, pup."

You knew Felix was right. He did seem way to serious at times but he always knew what to say to you when you needed it. And right now he has a point, even if you don't wanna admit it just yet.


"Gotta run!" He snagged his oddly shapen club from the nearby tree to go tend to Pan's ongoing needs.

You aimed yourself for the woods when you were swept up in a gust of cloak and the potent smell of rum.

•. •. •. •. •.

A hand groped the potato bag covering your face in a drunk attempt to take it off. "Now, little lady, you have to tell me.. EVERYTHING." The man slurs and sways with the rocking vessel.

I'm on a boat? Ah jeez.

"I've only been here for two weeks leave me the hell alone I know nothing." You snarled, ready to slash this mans throat at any possible time.

"Woah!" He throws his hands- hand- back before putting them on his hips, "You're a hot coal aren't ya, love."

"Yeah and I'll burn your ass to the ground."

He slaps his hand into a feathering grip in your jaw while his hook? Hook- is pointed at your jugular. "You will tell me or-"

As if on cue, a deep scream rang out above deck. You could hear the creaking of steps, slow, agonizing steps making their way to the staircase.

He shoves a gag into your mouth and prepares himself for the attack that will come.

You sit in this chair, on this boat, behind this crazed, dazed, drunken man who kidnapped you just to protect you? Huh.

"Don't look so bloody unamused! I just stole Pan's property! You should stare in awe!" He gives you a charming smile and returns to his guarding post.

"You're pathetic."

Both you, and him turn around to see the one and only Peter Pan.

"Cheater, you can't teleport! It's against the rules, foul play!" Hook announces, pointing a sword at Pan, and a hook at you.

"It's not against the rules." He waves his hand as the pirate falls over, sleeping and snoring in a pile of black leather and jewelry. "If you made them." He finishes his grand sentence before untying your wrists and teleporting you guys back to camp.

•. •. •. •. •.

As soon as you're teleported back to camp you head off into your tent to grab some new clothes for after your "shower."

"Really." You sigh and pick up the only pair of clothes you happen to have at the moment: A loosely fitted grey shirt, mandatory belt (to hold everything together), some shorts and of course, your boots.

" You sigh and pick up the only pair of clothes you happen to have at the moment: A loosely fitted grey shirt, mandatory belt (to hold everything together), some shorts and of course, your boots

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(Sorry this is poorly edited it's just for reference! Mwah 💋!)

As you walked toward the lake you couldn't help but feel a familiar queasy feeling in your lower stomach area... "Ah.. Already??" Your eyes peek up at the setting sun, "This is just perfect."

You quickly bathe your dirtied skin into a baby soft feeling before changing and heading back to camp.

You could feel the very pupils of those bastardly boys searing their thoughts into your back as you walked to put your dirty clothes back in your tent.

"What have we here?" One boy stops and puts his hand on the frame of your tent, leaning against the wood, "Looking a little nice are we?"

He pulled his hand away and started to move towards you, leaving you a little uneasy.

Your clothes had been long dropped to the dirt ground, no use in putting them back inside they're already dirty.

Finally, after thinking for to long, and letting this go on to long, you stand a little bit taller and you force some confidence into that head of yours.

"Leave me the hell alone, Devin." You cross your arms in defiance, at least giving you some breathing room in the tight area.

"Woah easy there! Is it someone's time of the month?" He says in a baby voice, popping out his bottom lip as a child would do.

"Actually." You glance up at the twilight sky where the clouds have parted, and the moon has peaked itself, "It is." You stare at his figure, slowly he grows smaller and smaller, and even more scared. In fact, he's in the ground and your on top of him.

You're the wolf.

You're a werewolf.

Welcome to my world, bitch.

A/N... IM SO SORRRYYY This is a bit short but have no fear! I am making a part two!!! I really hope you guys enjoy reading these, I read all the requests that I get for ideas on chapters, plots, stories, etc. (even though I've only gotten a few??) anyways! I appreciate each and every one of you people! Don't forget to check out my other book, "A Place Like No Other!!!"

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