Under The Sea

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(H/T)= Hair Type (aka curly, straight, etc.)
(Y/N)= Your Name
Words= 2865

You entered the room upon hearing a bountiful amount of gorgeous notes, from the lowest o tubes to higher than any merpeople can replicate.

"Mother?" You giggled and swam inside, your infamous white tail shimmered and danced in the light.

"Yes my dear?" She picked you up and sat you on a large flat rock that acted as your table, "How may I ease your troubles?"

"Why do we sing?" Your voice rang, with no other to answer your question, other than silence.

She straitened herself on her tail (but red) and began to whisk you away in her storytelling, "The siren is a beautiful creature, strong and brave. We lived in harmony and traded with the land people. We were once a beautiful duo, the humans and us. A force to be reckoned with." She waved her arms in an arch to show awe and fortune. "All except for one. Yes, there were land people who disagreed with us but felt joy that they had a friend when they needed one. All but one man. His name was Black Beard the pirate. He convinced a mob of furious humans to attack us because we were monsters, even when they killed out of cold blood. We fled far beneath the surface where water meets air." She leaned to the side of her body and showed you a scar, "Black Beard gave me this. He used one of his barbaric weapons to harm us, soldiers of the deep." She patted your tail and stared at the curtain of oceanic plants acting as a curtain, "No need to worry anymore, child. We have many humans whom agree with our way of life, who agree with our species."

•. •. •. •. •.

"Welcome back, Mistress (Y/N)." Xander stuck his arms out to the side and smiled through his curls strands.

"I told you not to joke about my position!" You shoved his shoulder curing his sarcastic ness, but causing him to double over in laughter. You laughed at him focusing on the iridescent bubbles that floated, and disappeared into the above. Where you were soon to go.

"Yeah but aren't you..." He rested his arm on your shoulder and looked to make sure no one was looking, "... Resigning from the Royal Guard?"

You absolutely loved your job, protecting your kingdom even if t was under the sea...

"Yes.. I am." You say proudly, "I'm the only white siren and I intend to avenge my mother.." You coddle your Best Friend and swim into the castle doors with the most familiar words carved into the posts.

Siren City.

•. •. •. •. •.

"I'm sorry to say that you'll be leaving us." King Manson gripped your shoulder, "You were out very best."

"I intend to cease the destruction of what has come to my Mother."

His grip suddenly loosened, like he was going to float away to the top of the ceiling. But, instead he just picked up your old Royal spear and saluted your leave, "It was a pleasure, you'll always have a place here. Be safe."

"How'd it go??" Xander speared his irises deep into your soul.

"It went well."

He sighed and the both of you swam silently to your small home on the edge of Siren City.

"You're going to leave aren't you?" He peered at you before hinting that he saw your bag."

"I will do what I do best. Help Sirens."

"Be safe, please. I know I can't stop you because last time I tried to stop you, you pierced my tail with a needle." He huffed and crossed his arms. Xander pouring was not new, but the look that was beyond the sarcastic runt of the city was one so foreign in his eyes that it was almost unbelievable you even noticed it. He was sad. And it was real because he pulled you into such a tight hug that your arms were sewed to your sides.

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