"Baby, You've Got The Hiccups!" (Faith x Jensen)

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This imagine was requested by RuthTozier.


You went about your day, as normal and casual as usual with nothing to alarm you or to even stimulate your bored mind.

You were completely and utterly... tired of life and how dry it seemed lately. You needed something to pop up out of nowhere, something to make your mind work, but nothing was-


You jumped back, clenching onto the wall corner with your life as Jensen scared the crap out of you. It wasn't something that harmed you, he did it gently and playfully. You just... You got pretty scared.

"H-Honey... how many times have I told you DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" You exclaimed with pure anger.

He stepped towards you and frowned, wrapping his arms around your waist, "I'm sorry sweetheart but I thought it would make your day better!"

He chuckled and you pouted. Generally, getting scared wasn't something you liked, keeping being pregnant aside.

You were going to hit the seven month mark in a few days and it had got a bit hectic to move around. You just got... lazy but having Jensen by your side helped.

You rubbed your head and signed. Jensen kissed your forehead, "Let me make you a nice cup of my famous hot chocolate, okay?"

You sat on the couch and Jensen joined you soon. You sipped on the hot drink, it burnt your tongue at first but then you got used to it.

Jensen wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek. You both sat in quiet, occupied in your own thoughts.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He asked, looking at you sadly. "Of course hun, why wouldn't I be?" You question.

"Because I scared you and you may have got-"

"Hey, Jen I'm okay! I was just... caught off guard and it was startling," You explained and pecked him on the lips, holding his face in your hands.

"Okay, I'm glad," He said with a small smile and kissed you again. You deepened the kiss, you felt happy right now next to him.

Your innocent little kiss turned into a make out session quick enough. He turned so that you both were opposite each other, so that your back wouldn't ache.

He placed a hand on your stomach and you smirked slightly. He always does anything to not explicitly stay close to your baby bump.

You pulled away abruptly, in fire need of some oxygen. "You know you can ask whenever you want to... feel him," you said and took his other hand and placed it on the other side of your bump.

He sat close to you again, waiting anxiously for his soon-to-be born son to do something.

"He's not doing anything, he always does something," He complained sadly and you rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"He's a boy with his own mind. He'll do something when he-"

You gasped slightly, stopping your sentence when you felt some action in your stomach. "Happy now?" You said and he bit his lip. He leaned his head son your shoulder and rubbed your stomach slowly with his thumb.

Your son kicked again... And then again after a few seconds.

"'Daddy you complained so here I'm hitting mommy, just for you'," You imitated a child's voice and Jensen laughed a bit, not regretting his previous words at all.

Your baby kicked again... And again... And again, every few seconds and the smile on your face faded.

"Is this normal? Is he okay?" Jensen asked, his fatherly concern activating. You shrugged your shoulders and sat up straight. You decided to walk around but he continued to kick inside.

You stopped abruptly, realising something as you rubbed your stomach. "You know I don't think he's kicking right now. It's feels harder when he does. This is... softer like a," A smile slowly appeared on your lips, "Like hiccups!"

Jensen walked towards you, his head tilted to the side a bit. "The doctor had mentioned something in the beginning about the different activity that our baby would do," You recalled, "Don't you remember?"

He frowned and shook his head and you slapped his shoulder, rolling your eyes. "Well I remember and our boy is definitely having hiccups!" You said with excitement then sighed, "Poor baby..."

You continued to feel it, enjoying it but feeling sad that your baby had to go through that.

"Drink something, maybe it would help," Jensen gave you a glass of water and you drank it slowly.

Nothing happened...

You waited but there was nothing.

"Nothing," You said flatly and he grinned widely. "That's good! That means it stopped," He said and you nodded with realisation.

It was calm all of a sudden and you sulked. You liked it when there was some action, it made the feeling of your baby being inside you more prominent.

"He's still there okay, even if he doesn't give you a signal," Jensen planted a kiss on your head and you smiled.

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