'Shattered On The Ground' (Dean)

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🎶: 'Next To Me' by Imagine Dragons


You rubbed your forehead in irritation, he was late again and he's probably extremely drunk... like last time.

Dean has been having issues lately. He can't think straight, he's making lousy choices and is ending up in the worst of states and trouble.

Only recently he kept defying your suggestion to not go on the recent hunt because of how agitated he's been, and it ended up with him getting beaten up and having a rage fight with himself.

You feel bad for him, he's not like this. He doesn't usually suffer from tunnel vision and he's clearly extremely capable of succeeding at whatever he does.

He shouts and tells at you, you're scared of him half of the time and disappointed by his behaviour. You thought Dean would be the one to learn from his mistakes and want improvement but it just makes him more angry.

You give him second chances, right now you're on the fifth chance. It's not because you're madly in love with him and you don't want to let go. You do love him, no doubt, but you know that Dean is better than all this... He can take the pain and the agitation and he can make himself better.

You know that.

"Dean I've called you seven times in the past ten minutes, why aren't you picking up?!" You yelled at him then took  deep breath and frowned, "I'm worried about you..."

He chuckled, "I-I'm fine sugar plum! I'm just having a g-good time, is that... a c-crime?"

You sighed, he was drunk again and you were too tired and fed up to deal with his shit when he's like this.

"Just come home quickly, please," You said and cut the call abruptly, giving him no time to reply.

You walked to your shared bedroom and sat on your bed. You pulled your knees to your chest and cried softly. You love Dean with all your heart but you can't take all this hate and negativity. You missed the cheery and burger-loving guy who only cared about hunting and taking care of his friends and family.

"What did I do wrong?" You mumbled to yourself and rubbed your moistened eyes slowly.

Sam peeked into the room, wanting to talk to you but deciding to let you be on your own. He was pretty concerned about you, Dean spends most of his time with you since you both got together but Sam doesn't like seeing his brother broken up either.

And he definitely doesn't like seeing you torn apart too.

"[y/n] I'm h-home!" You heard Dean shout out but you didn't bother going out to meet him. You didn't want to face the disappointment as soon as he got home.

"Wh-Where are you? I thought you wanted me to come home, I came just for youuuu!" He announced and you looked up from your face buried in your knees.

Sam met him on the way to his bedroom and shook his head. Dean stumbled a bit, almost fell face first. "Woah, you okay?" Sam questioned then sniffed the air, "Are you drunk?"

"I'm n-not drunk I'm just... ar-roused," Dean batted his eyelashes and Sam rolled his eyes. He slung one of Dean's arms over his shoulder, "Let's get you settled-"

"No I want to see my girlfriend!"

"Dean but she doesn't want to see you right now, not like this," Sam reasoned, hoping to make Dean understand but the older Winchester pushed Sam away from him.

"I don't need your help Sam," Dean looked at him angrily then walked ahead, only to fall down moments later from exhaustion.

"[y/n]!" Sam yelled, and you ran to where his voice had come from. You sulked when saw Dean on the floor, the smug smile on his lips indicated that he was intoxicated.

You helped Sam lift Dean from the ground but the Winchester wouldn't budge, he was being a stubborn ass.

"I'll get him a glass of water and a bag, in case he throws up," Sam told and walked to the kitchen. You sat back against the corridor wall and knees pulled up, staring at your helpless boyfriend as he looked at the ceiling blankly.

"W-Why are you still with m-me huh?" He questioned, sit up and leaning back on his arms, "I treat you like c-crap... hell I am crap." He giggled, "Hehe I'm a pile of poop."

You tilted your head and looked at him sadly, "What do you mean Dean?"

"I mean try to be a good man but I fail at everything. Winchester? More like Losechester!" He chuckled, "I can't go on like this so I drink and then I get drunk and you don't like me drunk so how are you still with me?"

He continued to ramble, his words slurred, while you watched him completely speechless. "If I was you I would g-give up on me weeks ago! I would throw myself down, make myself feel bad for what I do to a beautiful person like you," He explained, "I always let you down but you're always next to me. You're giving me chances like a charity and I th-throw them away!"

He smiled and zoned out, "I... throw everything away. You're like an old torn flannel."

You rolled your eyes and slapped his arm playfully. What a way to spend time at 11 in the night?

"You mean everything to me [y/n], EVERYTHING and don't you forget it!" He pointed to you and his hand fell, "I'm a jerk and an ass and everything in between okay?! Don't fight me about that!"

"I'm not fighting you Dean."

"Good!" He sighed, "I'm sure you want to s-slap me."

"No, why would I?"

"Because you hate me!"

"Dean I don't-"

"All I do is complain and I harm you and say the worst things to you as if I'm in love with you and care... but if I did I wouldn't shout at you, y-you wouldn't cry before sleeping..." He trailed off, "But I still find you by my side, next to me."

Sam walked towards him slowly, empathy on his dace. You looked at him tiredly, "Let's get this chatterbox to bed. He's had too much to drink."

You stood up and Sam put a hand on your shoulder, "Will you be okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be fine. Atleast I know how Dean feels now," You said then helped Dean get up. You walked back to your room, every word that your wasted boyfriend said replayed in your mind.

"And oh, stupid things I do
I'm far from good, it's true
But still I find you
Next to me"

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