Restraining Order (J2)

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Requested by AbigailVanBaugh, hope you like it!

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You sat on top of your bed, back resting against the head frame and knees pulled to your chest. You tapped your knees with your fingers rapidly, drowning yourself deep in your thoughts.

You've been having nightmares lately; they have all been having the same trend. You find yourself stranded on an empty street in the middle of the night in your nightclothes. You're barefoot and the cold gravel beneath your feet causes you to hug yourself tightly.

You'd always find yourself paranoid and I'm the dead centre of some foreboding situation.

You would stay on the street, every time finding your way around the place. With every dream, you find yourself in this déjà vu situation where you would try to find a out of the nightmare then inevitably wind up being attacked by a mysterious figure that follows you constantly like a demonic shadow.

You hated the nightmares... night terrors perhaps.

And you'd suddenly wake up in a pool of sweat on your bed, trembling in fear while your heart continues to pound.

You hated it. You had no idea what to do. You can't continue fearing the night and barely falling asleep. The little sleep you do get, it's threatened with horrors from your unconscious.

You sat on your bed, unable to decide whether you should have a night of rest or not. It has been three days since you have slept properly...

No. You couldn't let your terrors haunt you once more.

You stormed out of bed then grabbed your jacket and slipped your sneakers on. You decided to deal with your problems once and for all.


You woke up with a start on an unfamiliar bed and bedroom. You looked around the room with squinted eyes, unavailable to recall how you were transported from your bedroom to this one. Last time you remember, you were at home-


Your eyes darted to the ajar bedroom door. A plate clanging on a kitchen counter captured your attention.

You glanced to the clock on the bedside table, noticing that the time was two in the afternoon.

You scampered out of bed, slipping your feet into conveniently placed slippers then wrapping your jacket around your body after wearing it.

You walked slowly towards the door then as you opened it, you got a whiff of frying bacon and orange juice. You made your way down the hall towards the main room where you found a television on and a board game that was yet to be resumed.

You scanned the surroundings, realising where you were. It was-

"[y/n]! You're alive!" A man called out and gave you a side-hug. You smiled slightly, turning to look at Jensen who was standing beside you with a spatula in his hands and the smell of oil grease on his shirt. It wasn't an uncomfortable smell.

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