Proud Parent? (Castiel Pt. 4)

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Requested by castieI-, enjoy the imagine!


Castiel stood there blankly, trying to comprehend what just took place. Step by step she went through all the events that just played out.

His daughter found out about his true form...

She was angry and shut herself in her bedroom after yelling...

You cried and exited the house to go for a walk.

Cas was broken inside...

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked around furiously. He ran to the window and watched you walk across the street with your hands in your pockets with your hood over your head. You brisk walked then took a right turn and disappeared from his view.

He stomped his foot and groaned with irritation. He literally let everything slip through his fingers, He didn't even try to stop you from leaving.

He screwed up big time.

He ran down the corridor and to his duaghters bedroom, banging on the door and shouting, "[y/d/n]! [y/d/n], OPEN UP!"

"GO AWAY DAD! I don't want to talk!"

He scrunched his nose and leaned on the door, "Open the door or I'll force myself in!"

The was no reply from [y/d/n] and Cas was left with no choice but to use his Angel mojo and go inside.

He wrapped his arm around the door knob and unlocked the door, swinging it open and walking inside.

"Dad, I told you-"

"[y/d/n] stop taking this like a child and listen to me alright? Your mother is worried sick about you, the way you're acting is going to break her to pieces," Castiel scolded, "Do you want her to feel like that?!"

She stared at her father, speechless, as tears continued to stream down her face. "N-No of course not but Dad... what about me?! I'M BROKEN INSIDE TOO!"

Castiel frowned and sat on her bed, next to her feet. "Look sweetheart, we kept this from you to avoid... all this. We didn't want to disturb your routine and living, hearing that one of your parents is some sort of celestial being isn't news you ignore after a little while. It's something that can change you," Castiel said then took a breath.

"S-So you weren't going to t-tell me ever?" She asked and wiped her nose with a tissue. Cas looked at her with sadness, "We'd probably tell you before you went to college, maybe when you were eighteen."

"Dad I just... I still can't believe that you're an Angel I mean, are you pranking me?" She sat up straight and steadied her breathing, "Is this some sort of test from both of you?!"

"No honey it's not, we're telling the truth," Castiel said softly and his daughter furrowed her brows.

"Wait did you open the door when I was angry about school that day?" She questioned with squinted eyes and Cas shrugged his shoulders, biting his lip.

She crossed her arms in rage and sat back on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Dad there's something called privacy," She mumbled grumpily and Cas looked ashamed.

"I'm sorry Angel, I had to talk to you. I was concerned and your mother... She loves you so much and she's worried about you immensely whenever you're not well," Castiel told and took her hands and kissed them, "Just understand that whatever we do is for your benefit. We care about you the most."

She smiled softly and after much hesitation hugged her father tightly. Cas chuckled and kissed her head, tears glistening his eyes.

"You know... Your mother was my favourite human being for all the thousands of years I've watched over earth. That's a big ranking," He said, "But after you were born, I fell in love with another human being... you."

She kissed her father on the cheek, "I love you dad."

"I love you too my Angel."

He grinned and got up, taking his daughter's hand and pulling her to an empty space in the room. "Hold onto my arm tightly okay, I want to show you something," He whispered then touched her forehead with two fingers.


"OH MY-"

His daughter walked ahead and fell to her knees from being dizzy. "[y/d/n] are you okay?!" He reached down to help her to her feet and she nodded.

"What just happened?"

"We flew... well, teleported," Cas smiled softly, "I have wings, I can go anywhere I want and I can take you anywhere you'd like."

Your daughter looked at him with surprise. "I've heard that Disneyland is a place young people of your age enjoy?" Cas asked and his daughter squealed with excitement.

Cas laughed then walked ahead after holding [y/d/n]'s hand. "Come on, you have to see this," Cas said with elation, dragging his girl to the edge of the hill they were standing on.

Below was a sight that left [y/d/n] to be lost for words.

It was beautiful, breathtaking, picturesque. There was a pristine lake at the bottom, with trees swaying in the wind. The breeze and the scent of slightly wet grass was calming. The air was so pure and of no intoxication.

[y/d/n] coudln't help but feel calm. All her previous concerns had washed away.

She watched as the sun set into the horizon of hills beyond and Castiel smiled at her, pulling her closer to him and putting an arm around her shoulder.

"You like it?" He asked and she smiled widely. "It's amazing dad, I love it," She said and Cas knelt down and faced her.

"I can take you anywhere you like, we could go somewhere new everyday if you want sweetheart, anything for you," Castiel told, "But you need to promise me that when we go home now, you'll help your mother feel less concern about you finding out about me."

She nodded, "I promise Dad."

He smiled, "Good, now... I heard that this particular location has a part of a forest that looks extremely pretty at night with glowing fireflies. Would you like to see?"

"Yes please!"

He put his hand out and [y/d/n] held it tightly. She walked beside her father, now finding the idea of him being an Angel pretty cool.

It made her feel special.

Thought she couldn't help but like the idea that she could have possibly been an Angel too...

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