Chapter 3: 127

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Monday - 9:10 am

We all went to a small restaurant for breakfast and apparently we were waiting for others.

I texted Johnny since I didn't want to say anything rude out loud.

Me: why are you doing this to me?

annoying bro: i told you i want you to make new friends

Me: aren't you bothered with letting your younger sister hangout with grown men?

annoying bro: nah ur not their type

Me: is that supposed to be a good thing?

I look up from my phone to glare at Johnny, he felt my gaze, looking up and smiled at me.

annoying bro: i'm kidding, besides if someone does like u, i bet it would be mark and he's a good guy

Me: are you saying you'd be ok if i dated mark?

annoying bro: i didn't say that, seems like ur thinking ahead of urself

Me: what? NO

annoying bro: oh whatever anyway it's rude to text when we're in company

Me: okok

I put my phone away and people started arriving.

"Winwin! Yuta!" Johnny stood up greeting them and we all started standing up.

"Hello," I greeted them, "Min Jee."

"Winwin," a cute strawberry blonde said smiling.

"Yuta!" he had such big pretty eyes.

"Where are the others?" Taeyong-oppa asked.

On the way to the restaurant Mark informed me that everyone was older than us, besides the ones from NCT Dream. I actually knew that from Johnny, but it was cute that Mark wanted me to know how to address them properly.

"They're helping with the trainees," Yuta said.

"So Min Jee-ah, what have you done since you got here?" Jaehyun-oppa asked.

"I've went hiking, visited Han River and a bit of shopping," I said.

"Hiking? I love hiking! Where?" Yuta said. He seems like a cheerful one.

"Bukhansan," I said smiling.

They're not so bad.

"Oh! I was saw someone sell ice cream, when I hiked there, it was weird," he said.

"Same!" I said and we high five each other.

We continued to talk for a while until our orders came. As we ate, some of them would ask me questions about myself and even asked for embarrassing stories of Johnny. I told them how Johnny once went out of the house in a rush wearing two different pair of shoes.

They started teasing him, "Yah! I was running late!" Johnny defended and we just started laughing.

Mark who was sat on my left, nudged me and I look at him, he pointed towards his phone.

I got my phone out and read a text from him.

9:29 am

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