Chapter 13: Dreamies

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Friday - 3:09 pm

It's been a month since I was introduced to the dreamies. I'm closer to them now, they're the unit I'm closest to. But even so, today I just wanted to be by myself.

For a month I've been trying to ignore my feelings for either Mark or Lucas. Them being such great guys, wasn't helping me. I still had no idea who I liked more and it was killing me inside.

The hate died down, but there were days someone on the internet who would just bring me up again. Just makes me go, why?

I'm standing outside of the dreamies dorm. Not my choice.

I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be -

"Nuna!" Renjun said as he opened the door.

I force a smile, "Renjun!"

Johnny made Mark bring me to NCT Dream's dorm. Why? Because he didn't want me to be alone. It's not that I don't want to, it's just I don't feel like interacting with anyone, I know he's just doing this for me. But, I mean -

"Let's play!" Chenle said and I nodded.

We sat down on the floor as Jaemin went to get board games out.

I brought out my phone trying to avoid talking to anyone.

"How are you?" I look up to see Haechan smiling at me.

I look back at my phone, "I'm fine."

The boys were talking among themselves, "I know you didn't want to be here, but you could at least try to be nice," Mark whispered and I looked at him, he smiled. He was starting to sound like Johnny, ugh.

I sighed and put my phone away, "What are we playing?" I asked and I could see Mark's face smiling widely, from the corner of my eye.

"Cluedo?" Jeno asked and Jaemin came back with the board, "Yeah Cluedo."

Since there were more players, some of us paired off and the others played alone. I volunteered to play alone, just because I was seriously not in the mood to interact with another human being.

5:56 pm

Where do these boys get their energy from?

After playing board games we ended up in the dorm building's indoor basketball court. I was keeping score as they played three on three, half court. Renjun acted as referee.

It was currently 10 to 6.

Mark, Haechan and Jaemin vs Jeno, Chenle and Jisung.

Jeno's team was in the lead, with Jisung scoring most of the points. He's tall and lean body was to his advantage.

I also found out Mark has pretty neat dribbling skills. They were all quite decent players.

Haechan dribbled the ball going to the right, passed the ball to Mark on the far left, Mark dribbled it once passing it back to Haechan and then Haechan passed it to Jaemin.

Jaemin went for an opening and did a lay-up.

10 - 7

They were catching up.

The boys cheered and high fives were exchanged. And I was dying out of boredom.

It's not that I don't like basketball, I, myself, love to watch NBA on TV with my dad back home. But at this moment, I wanted nothing but to sleep.

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