Chapter 10: Skype

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*Please read the author's note at the end*


Monday - 6:30 am sk / Sunday - 10:30 pm england

"Why are you so happy?" Betty asked through the screen. I wore my earphones, so Johnny wouldn't hear her loud voice.

I whispered towards the mic on the earphones, "I just am," I smiled.

"Why is it so dark there?" Betty asked since I only turned the lamp on.

"Johnny's sleeping and I don't want to wake him up," I said and she nodded.

But then she gasped loudly, "WHERE ARE YOU?!" she screamed and I pulled the earphones away.

I mouth 'are you done screaming?' and she nodded. I put the earphones back on, "I'm at his dorm," I said and her eyes widen.

"No way," she said trying not to scream, "No way!" she said and I giggled.

"I am. I slept on Jae-oppa's bed," I said lying back down on the pillow, "He has really nice pillows."

"Ew, your pillow fetish is showing," Betty said and I rolled my eyes sitting up straight.

"I appreciate pillows when they need to be appreciated," I said and she shrugged.

"So did you skype me just to tell me about Jae-oppa's pillows, or are you finally gonna admit you like Mark Lee?" she smirked.

"Shut up," I said grinning.

"Ugh, you do like him!" she groaned, "You lost the bet!"

"What bet - WAIT YOU WERE SERIOUS?" I said a little too loud, Johnny started stirring around.

I suck my lips in and hoped he didn't wake up, "Of course I was serious! I know your type!" Betty said grinning.

Betty was actually a fan of NCT and I believe Yuta was her bias? Or was it Winwin? Anyway, we jokingly made a bet that I'd end up liking one of the NCT members before we went off for vacation. I didn't actually think she was serious. And she didn't just say any NCT member, but she actually did mention I'd like Mark.

"Mark isn't ... I mean ..." I started stammering making Betty laugh.

"You're so predictable! I told you so! I told you!" she sang, she's such a dork.

"Okay, okay, so what was the punishment again?" I asked and she grinned.

"You were supposed to get me Winwin's ID on kakaotalk," she grinned.

So it was Winwin.

"I don't even have his kakaotalk," I pouted, she just shrugged.

"Not my problem, a bet is a bet," she smiled.

"How did you even know?" I asked realizing she knew I'd like Mark before I did.

"I'll be honest, I wasn't that sure, he was just one of the boys that I knew would fit your 'I only like cute and sweet boys' type. To be honest, I thought you'd like someone else from NCT too, but that doesn't matter now. You like Mark and I get Winwin's kakaotalk ID!" Betty always gets what she wants.

I was about to reply to Betty, when I heard a soft knock on the door, "Wait one moment, B," I said getting out of the bed and putting my slippers on. I walk towards the door and opened it, "Oh Haechan," I said seeing a rather sleepy but smiley orange haired boy.

He yawned, "I want to eat breakfast with you," he said and I grinned.

"Sure," I said and walked out the door.

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