Chapter 5

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"For a while, I was starting to think I wasn't ever going to go wedding dress shopping with you!" Laurie laughed to her daughter.

"I'm still not convinced that Stevie isn't just going to wear her Red Sox jersey," Shanna snickered as they walked into the boutique.

"Don't give her any ideas!" Lisa said in a jovial tone.

Chris looked at his best friend, honored that she wanted him to come with her, and put his thick arm around her slender shoulders. She turned her head to look at him as he spoke up, "Well, she's going to be the most beautiful bride in anything she wears."

"You're such a sap," Stevie laughed but then reached her arms around his toned middle so that she could hug him. "But thank you Chris, that's really sweet."

They walked through the doorway of the boutique, following behind their mom's and Chris' sisters before meeting with the employee who was going to help them. She told them to feel free to look around and pull anything she wanted to try on so the group got to looking.

"So what do you want, Stevie?" Carly looked at the racks of white gowns.

"A tee shirt," Stevie replied, adjusting her messy bun.

"I'm being serious," Carly rolled her eyes.

Stevie just shrugged, "So was I."

Chris slapped his chest as he let out his loud hysterical laughter that always made Stevie laugh herself. Once his laughter died down, he looked at her and asked, "Then why don't you just wear a tee shirt. Who even cares? I mean, you're the bride, you should wear whatever you want."

"You know sweetie, you really could wear a pretty white full skirt with something casual on top and just tuck it in," Laurie wanted her daughter to wear something that reflected her.

"That would be so you!" Lisa encouraged.

Stevie just pressed her pink lips together for a long moment before pushing through the racks and saying, "Erik wouldn't like that. He said he wants me to wear something called a fit and flare.... I have no clue what that means though."

Chris would have laughed at her comical tone about being useless when it comes to fashion but his anger wouldn't allow it and he shot back, "Yeah, well Erik isn't the one wearing it so I don't think it matters what he thinks."

"Well he's the one marrying me in it," Stevie responded. "And it'll make him happy, so whatever."

While Stevie was busy looking at the dresses on the racks, the rest of the group all shared a round of eye rolling. They all helped her pick out dresses but once they got a big stack, Stevie went to the dressing room while they all sat on the couch and chairs that were situated outside.

The group ended up making quite a scene as one by one, Stevie came out in dresses that screamed everything that wasn't her, she would make a hilarious comment about the dress or herself in it, that would send the group into hysterics. Stevie tried on the ones that were like the ones Erik described but she couldn't quite force herself to wear it.

It wasn't until the last one that she came out in, that nobody was laughing. She stood in front of them in a completely plain dress. It had a high neck and was sleeveless while the sides of the dress came straight down. There wasn't a single embellishment on it, allowing all the focus to be on her natural beauty.

The room was silent as everyone stood in awe. Stevie was biting her lower lip as she asked, "What do you think?"

"Stevie.... You look stunning," Laurie choked out through her teary eyes.

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