Chapter 9

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Chris anxiously kept checking his watch as he drove down the dirt road and parked at the end of the row of cars. He felt like his heart had been racing ever since this morning but it only sped up when he realized he actually was here.

While doing reshoots, a piece of a set was broken and it put them on a 24 hour delay. Having this opportunity, Chris impulsively decided to drive to the airport and got the first available flight back to Boston. Nobody except for Sebastian knew he was coming and it wasn't until he stopped his car at the baseball field that the full impact of what he was about to do came to him.

He had no idea how Stevie would react to seeing him. Honestly he wouldn't be surprised if she smacked him. Chris figured he probably deserved it after being the catalyst for Erik asking for the ring back. She still wasn't talking to him and now that he began to think about it more clearly, this probably was a terrible idea. It might make her hate him even more.

Chris looked back down the dirt road that he came, debating on if he should just drive right back to the airport and go back to California. He knew this could end badly... and probably would. But the thought of not seeing his best friend on her birthday prompted him to open the car door and step out.

He nervously smoothed down the tee shirt he was wearing and pulled up his straight leg jeans. Chris pulled his baseball hat off his head and tossed it in the car before closing the door and walking toward the field. He heard the sound of cheering and yelling as the game went on.

Stevie stood leaning against the dugout as her team got ready to bat while the other team took the field and got a few minutes to warm up. Chris walked by the bleachers and heard his mother gasp and quickly all of the Evans as well as Stevie's family turned to look at him. He waved at them but then pointed to Stevie, letting them know where he was going.

Chris walked over and easily hopped the fence before walking up behind Stevie. Her ripped jeans and team shirt outlined her slender frame and he easily recognized her brunette locks from underneath her backwards baseball hat.

He quietly walked up behind her and softly said, "Happy Birthday."

She jumped, startled by the voice before spinning around quickly. Stevie blinked multiple times, shocked to see him standing there but when she crossed her slender arms in front of her chest, Chris knew he was being met with her familiar stubbornness.

"What are you doing here?" Stevie stared at him, seeing how different he looked from the last time she had seen him. His beard was gone and his hair cut shorter, making him look more like Steve Rogers.

"I haven't missed your birthday in 35 years, I can't miss one now," He innocently replied.

She didn't say anything in response.

"I want to apologize, Stevie," He told her, his cleanly shave face making him look like a sad puppy dog.

"And you think now is a good time? It's my birthday and I'm still mad at you and I'm in the middle of coaching!" She tossed her hands in the air.

"I know but I couldn't stand to not see you. I just had to see you," Chris pleaded.

"Just like you just had to punch Erik and make him leave me," Stevie stared out at the kids warming up.

Chris huffed, "I take responsibility for punching him but you know what he did wasn't my fault. C'mon Stevie, don't take it out on me."

"Okay what part of this is either an apology or a happy birthday," She sarcastically battled.

He couldn't help but snicker and held his hands up in defense, "Okay, okay, you're right. I just wanted to come tell you that I'm sorry Stevie."

"Sorry doesn't fix everything," She knew Chris just wanted it all to go away.

"I know it doesn't but I want to start there," He offered. "It just killed me to see you with him. He treated you like shit and you deserve someone who adores you and there are so many guys who would kill to me with you Stevie!"

She kept her eyes locked on the field as she scoffed, "Yeah, like who?"

"Like me."

Stevie's head snapped to meet Chris' blue eyes. She was so stunned her normally quick wit was stunted. Her eyes were wide but soon went back to normal size when she realized he was just trying to make her feel better and that only made her angrier. She shook her head and crossed her arms back in front of her chest and looked out on the field as she snorted sarcastically, "Yeah, sure."

Chris knew she wouldn't believe him but he wanted her to know it was true. There was no going back now and impulsively, Chris stepped his bulky frame in front of her, cupped her small face in his big warm hands and closed his eyes while he pressed his lips to hers.

He knew she was surprised and didn't want to overstay his welcome so he slowly pulled away and dropped his hands from her face. Stevie stared at him in complete shock but Chris was smiling with his eyebrows arched expectantly.

"I've wanted to do that forever," Chris softly chuckled, voicing his thoughts and trying to fill the awkward air.

Suddenly Chris was hit with a reaction from Stevie that he never expected.

She put her hands on the back of his neck and pulled his face back to hers so she could crash her pinks lips to his. This time he was the one that was shocked but it didn't take him long to react. His thick arms came around her waist and pressed her body up against his tightly and didn't let go. He didn't want this moment to ever end and they were both lost in the kiss until they heard clapping and cheering.

They pulled away from one another, laughing hysterically as they saw their families in the bleachers cheering for them, including Lisa standing up and pumping her arms up and down in the air and shouted, "IT'S ABOUT TIME, CHRIS!"

Stevie and Chris both doubled over laughing. The pair was hysterical but eventually pulled it together and regained their composure. Stevie saw the other team take their positions and she called for Ethan to head up to bat.

Chris smiled and kissed her cheek, saying, "We can talk about everything after the game. Happy birthday Stevie."

And with that, he went over to hop back over the fence and walked to the stands. He plopped down by their families and Stevie snickered when she saw him immediately get bombarded by everyone. She just laughed while shaking her head and tried to focus back on the game, but she kept finding her thoughts drifting back to the man sitting in the stands who was beaming at her every time she snuck a look at him.

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