Chapter 11

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A soft yelp escaped Stevie's pink lips as she felt a hand come in contact with her behind. She quickly whipped around and found Chris snickering. She took a moment to look him up and down. He was in his full Captain America costume, complete with his clean face and blonde wig.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and tried to fight back a smirk as an eyebrow rose, "Now, that didn't seem like something Steve Rogers would do."

"Well ma'am," Chris started in his Captain America voice and tossed an arm around her shoulder, "You just might not know everything about me."

"Is that so?" Stevie looked up at him.

"Mhmm," Chris leaned down to connect their lips.

Before they could pull away from one another, they heard a familiar voice shout, "Hey, get a room!"

Without missing a beat, Chris turned around and playfully asked, "Can we? Do we have time?"

They all laughed while Stevie playfully smacked his chest, only making Chris snicker more. Her sparkly brown eyes then landed on Sebastian and Anthony, giving them warm smiles. Seb then closed the distance between them and hugged her tight. Whenever they filmed a Captain America movie, Stevie always came as much as she could with Chris. Over the years, he had become good friends with her and he couldn't be happier to finally see the two together.

"It's so good to see you," Seb said as they parted.

"I missed you!" Stevie told him.

"Seb is the one who told me to get my shit together and fly home to apologize," Chris informed her.

"I don't like this one bit!" Anthony teased, putting an arm around Stevie's waist. "Stevie's my girl!"

They all shared a laugh before Seb replied, "Easy, she's Chris' girl now."

"Yeah, don't make Captain America beat you up!" Chris joked.

Seb's eyes got wide before he laughed wildly, "You guys are the perfect couple.... Steve and Stevie!"

"What do ya' say, doll? Want to be my girl?" He joked in a cheesy Steve Rogers voice.

"It seems like some sort of national crime or unpatriotic to say no," She laughed before pecking his cheek.

The group kept on chatting for a while before Sebastian and Anthony were due on set and Chris had a little break before they finished his hair and makeup and he went to set. Chris slipped his big hand into Stevie's and led the pair over to trailer reserved for the actors and when they found it empty, Chris took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Stevie's waist and pulled her tight against him. She ran her hands along his arms that were covered in his costume before coming up to cup his cleanly shaven face before he closed the distance between them and kissed her hard.

When they parted, Chris rested his forehead up against hers and whispered, "I still keep thinking this is a dream and I'm going to wake up and it will all be gone."

"I feel like that too," Stevie admitted.

"I can't believe this is real," Chris pulled away from her enough that he could look at her beautiful face.

"Me either. I'd rather just stay right here in this moment forever than go home," She mumbled, her gaze falling away from his.

He gave her an inquisitive look, "Why's that?"

A long sigh came out of her mouth as she stepped out of his arms and walked back and forth in the small trailer. She ran a hand through her thick dark hair, pulling it up in her hands before letting it fall back down.

"Because," She began, pacing back and forth. "When I get home I have to deal with everything that I haven't dealt with. I have to cancel my wedding dress order, cancel the venue, send out a card or something to everyone that we sent save the date's to, cancel-"

Before she could finish listing it all, Chris stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders gently. He bent his neck down so he could look into her warm brown eyes and gave her the cutest closed mouth grin she'd ever seen. She couldn't help but smile and let him kiss her lips sweetly.

"Don't worry. When we get home, I'm going to help you with everything and so will your parents and my family. It's all going to be okay," He assured her.

"I feel like I can't even think about it or I'm going to have a meltdown," Her eyes started to gloss with tears.

"Don't think about it," Chris told her. "We'll deal with all of that later and we'll do it together. But for the next couple days while we're here, just put it out of your mind. It's just you and me and that's all that matters right now."

Stevie hated being vulnerable, she just felt guilty sharing her feelings. She always felt like it was a burden if she leaned on someone else but with Chris things were different... they always had been. He was her safe person. He really was just her person. Now that she looked back with different eyes, she realized how obvious it was.

She relished the feeling of being able to wrap her arms around him and feel safe. He just held her tight, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. He kept assuring her everything would be alright and once she calmed down, she agreed with him.

"I know it will," Stevie tried to assure herself. "And I'm just so happy to be with you right now." 

"You know..." Chris trailed off, getting a sweet half smile on his lips while he twisted a piece of her soft hair around his finger. "I always dreamed about having moments like this for so long and now it's finally happening and do you want to know something?"


"It's not anything like I dreamed it would be," He admitted. "It's better."

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