Chapter 19

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"Chris! Come in here quick!" Stevie's voice echoed through his home.

He dropped what he was doing in the kitchen and ran into the living room, worried something might have happened. When he finally ended up in the room, he stopped short and was engulfed in laughter. He found Stevie laying on the floor, flat on her back while Dodger had sat down right on top of her.

As if on cue, Dodger laid his entire body down on top of her, only making them both laugh even harder. Chris pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the sight before Stevie kissed Dodger's head.

"I wonder if he knows I'm not his personal cushion?" Stevie snickered, rubbing behind his ears.

"I think he just sees you laying on me like that so he figured he can lay on you," Chris rested his big hands on the back of the couch and sent her a wink.

"Hey, you don't seem to complain when I do it to you," A lazy smirk appeared on her lips.

Chris just gave her a sideways smile before popping one of his eyebrows up high, making her let out a crazy laugh. As he looked at her, his heart completely full of love for Stevie, Chris thought about the ring that he had up in his bedroom.

A week ago he had gone with Stevie's mom and his own mother to pick out a ring for Stevie. He knew he found the perfect one but ever since then, he had been racking his brain, thinking of the most perfect way to ask Stevie. He thought about a midnight walk on the beach, a romantic dinner, a trail of rose petals through the house to where he was, but this morning Chris decided that he was going to fly them to Disneyland and ask her there since that's where they had their first date.

Somehow when he looked at her right now, he realized that it didn't matter where or when he asked her. He just loved her so much and he couldn't wait another second. Chris ran upstairs and stuffed the ring in his pocket before picking up another bag and hurrying down the stairs, his long legs taking them two at a time.

"Hey Stevie, I have a present for you!" He announced.

"A present for me?" Her eyebrows wrinkled up in confusion, wondering what for.

Chris nodded before sitting down on the floor by her as she pushed Dodger off of her and sat up. Dodger wandered around the two humans before plopping himself down by Chris and rested his head on Chris' leg. Chris petted his head before he gathered his nerves and handed her the bag.

"What is it?" She mused while pulling the black fabric out of the bag.

"Look at the back," Chris instructed her.

She laid the shirts out, laughing when she was the writing on the back that one said 'Coach Stevie' while the other said 'Coach Chris'. Stevie gave him a playful smirk and that familiar teasing sparkle appeared in her eyes before she quipped, "Um this one should say assistant coach Chris."

"Details, details," He waved it off with his hand before taking a deep breath, knowing this was his moment. "I was actually going to have our full names printed on it and have it say, Coach Chris Evans and the other Coach Stevie.... Evans.... but then I realized I needed to ask you something first."

Stevie sat there, her brown eyes wide as shock fell over her. She intently watching as he pulled out a beautifully plain ring with one big sparkly diamond in the middle and he held it out to her. Chris' tongue ran across his plump lower lip before he took a deep breath and looked deep into her eyes.

"Stevie, I love you so much. Whenever I think about my future, I get so excited thinking about the possibility of having you by my side through it all. I've never met any girl that I've really wanted to spend the rest of my life with but with you, that feels like the only thing I want. I know it's really soon but I'm so confident in what we have. I want to marry you Stevie, I want to wake up with you, I want to have kids with you, I want us to be a family, I want to share every part of me with you and I want you to do that with me. I just want to love you forever Stevie, and I want to only love you. So do you think you'd want to marry me?"

"What do you think you idiot? Of course I want to marry you!" Stevie laughed through the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Chris let out a sigh of relief before he gently took Stevie's left hand and slipped the sparkly ring onto her finger as he asked, "If you don't like the ring, we can get a different one but I-"

Stevie cut him off by saying, "No, it's perfect! I love it so much."

Once he put the ring in place, the two looked at one another, sharing a smile but then the realization hit Stevie, "Oh my god, I'm getting married.... Like for real this time. And I'm marrying you!"

Chris was nervous for a moment, wondering if her realization was a happy one or not but his question was answered when Stevie tackled him to the floor and laid on top of him while she crashed their lips together. He melted into the kiss, overcome by the love and joy of the moment. His hands came up and rested on her hips before slipping underneath her tee shirt and ran up the curve of her waist on her soft skin.

Before they could get any farther, Stevie parted and hovered over him, buzzing as she said, "I have to call our mom's!"

"Why don't we call them later?" Chris tried to pull her back down so he could kiss her. 

Stevie just laughed before pecking his lips, "Don't worry, we'll celebrate later."

A giant grin landed on Chris' face before his shiny eyes looked deep into her eyes and he told her, "We get to celebrate together for the rest of our lives."

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