Chapter 7

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"Shhhh, it's almost my favorite part," Stevie didn't take her eyes off of the TV in her apartment while she lightly smacked Chris' muscular arm.

"Shh what? I didn't say anything!" Chris replied.

"You're chomping on those doritos so loudly that I can't hear!" She told him with a smirk on her face.

He just smiled before tossing another chip in his mouth and purposely chewed it loudly just to annoy her, resulting in him getting smacked in the face with a pillow, making him bust out with laughter. Stevie's sparkly eyes squinted up in laughter but once it died down, she overdramatically feigned frustration as she complained, "Now I have to rewind so I can see my favorite part since SOMEONE was chewing in my ear!"

"Dodger!" Chris jokingly accused the dog that was laying in the empty spot on the other side of Stevie. "You need to be quieter."

"Shut up," Stevie laughed, smacking his chest as she played the movie again.

The two watched as Aladdin entered into the cave of wonders in one of their favorite Disney movies but as they were watching, Dodger lifted his head from where he was lying comfortably on the couch and stared at the door, letting them know someone was coming. Sure enough, a moment later, it swung open and revealed Erik.

He walked through the door, wearing his crisp button up dress shirt tucked into his well pressed pants and shiny black dress shoes. His thick hair was swooped back fashionably and Chris' anxiety got the best of him for a moment, making him feel insecure about his thinning hair and appearance today in his sweatpants and an old tee shirt.

Chris didn't have time to dwell on it though because as Erik walked in, his eyes were glued to his phone and he rattled off, "I made reservations for us for dinner tonight before you go to work and then I-"

Erik stopped short when his eyes lifted from his phone and saw Stevie sprawled on the couch in-between Chris and Dodger. Chris saw Erik's eyes noticing that the pair were under a blanket and were snuggled close to one another. This made him feel triumphant for the moment and when Erik gave him a look that could kill, Chris just gave him a smug smile.

"I didn't know Chris was here," Erik said with a briskness in his tone, obvious he was unhappy about it which only made Chris more smug.

"Yeah we took Dodger to the dog park earlier and then figured we'd come back here and watch a movie since I don't have to go to work until later tonight," Stevie explained.

"Well I made reservations for us for dinner at 6," He told her rather than asked.

Stevie bit her bottom pink lip before replying, "Erik, I'm still in my sweats and my hair is a mess. Why don't we just hang out here and you can watch the movie with us?"

Chris and Erik traded looked, Erik's of anger and Chris' of victory. Stevie was unaware of the silent exchange between the men but she did notice Erik wasn't excited about the idea. She picked up Dodger and put him on her lap, cuddling the dog before patting the empty spot next to her and encouraging him to come sit down.

"You know I'm not into Disney movies," He motioned to the TV. "And I don't want to sit in a pile of dog hair. Just go get dressed, and you can put a hat on to cover your hair and then we'll go."

Stevie sighed, wanting to tell him no and that she'd rather stay here with Chris and Dodger and watch the movie but she didn't want to deal with her fiance upset so she moved Dodger off her lap and silently got up and walked into her bedroom to get changed.

Now it was Erik's turn to look smug.

"I want you to stay away from her," Erik's voice stated once Stevie was out of the room.

Chris turned to look at him and scoffed, "What did you say?"

"You heard me."

The strong jawline Chris had underneath his beard visibly tightened as he stood up. He walked over to Erik and even though they were about the same height and Erik was in good shape, he paled in comparison to Chris' muscular build. Chris got right in front of Erik and narrowed his eyes at him.

"You can't tell me to stay away from my best friend," Chris' voice dropped an octave and came from deep in his throat, his normal jovial tone completely gone.

"I see the way you look at her. It's obvious you have feelings for her but she's mine and I want you to stay away," Erik growled.

"Maybe if you didn't treat her like shit, you wouldn't be worried about losing her," Chris quipped right back. "Besides, she's not yours. She isn't a possession."

Erik sneered, "Just because you can't have her doesn't mean you have to be jealous."

Chris let out a snort of contempt before he crossed his thick arms in front of his chest, "You don't deserve her."

"Look Chris," He poked his solid chest hard. "Just because you're Captain America and a hotshot hollywood actor and can get any girl you want, except for the one you want most and I got her, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me."

Chris' nostrils flared in anger and Erik just smirked, knowing he had him and smugly rubbed it in, "You know she's mine, she'll do anything for me. I can get her to do anything I want and-"

Before Erik could get any farther, Chris did something he rarely ever did. He let his anger get the best of him and Stevie got a front row view of it as she walked out of the bedroom and saw Chris' fist making contact with Erik's jaw as it sent him tumbling to the ground.

"Chris, oh my god!" Stevie shouted as she rushed towards Erik who was stumbling back up with anger in his eyes as he got ready to throw a punch back at Chris. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

She had both the men's attention as she looked between the both of them. "What the hell is the matter with the both of you?" Stevie tossed her arms up in the air.

"Your fiance here told me to stay away from you." Chris slung as he pointed at Erik, his jaw locked tightly.

"Yeah, well your best friend is just jealous because he can't have you because you belong to me." Erik growled with his fists still balled and ready for a fight.

"She's not a possession!" Chris shouted at Erik as he took a step closer.

"ENOUGH!" Stevie said as stepped between them and looked between the two most important men in her life.

"STOP CHOOSING HIM!" Erik shouted before Stevie looked at him with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Stevie was incredulous.

His heavy breathing was the only thing audible for a moment before his deep voice grumbled, "You're always choosing him over me! He gets in the way of our relationship and i'm sick of it!"

"He's my best friend!" She argued.

There was a long silence before Erik spoke, "You want him. Give me the ring."

"Erik." Stevie said as she looked at his extended hand and tears welled in her eyes. "Don't do this."

"Give me the ring." Erik demanded as Stevie slowly slipped the ring off her finger and hesitantly placed it in Erik hand before he pushed passed her before slamming her apartment door.

"Stevie." Chris said as the girl sniffled before clearing her throat.

"You should go." She said as he stood there a little longer. "Go."

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