Chapter 20- Epilogue

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"If you're just tuning in to the podcast, we have Chris Evans with us, Captain America himself. Chris is great to have you with us again," The host of the show, Kate greeted him.

"Good to be on the show. It's been a while," He fiddled with the half empty water bottle sitting on top of the wood table in front of him as he made sure to speak into the microphone.

"It has. I think the last time you were on was a few years back and if I remember correctly, you were just preparing to head to film the movie Gifted about a child math prodigy which was wonderful by the way," Kate smiled at him while he nodded.

"Well thank you," Chris replied.

"So a lot has gone on in your life since then," Kate went on and he nodded again. "You've returned as Cap in two more Avengers movies being the most notable but also, in your personal life, you got married."

Instantly Chris' body language relaxed with just the thought of Stevie. His precious Stevie. He looked across the room and saw her sitting in a chair while she just gave him that smile of hers that made him weak at the knees. She adjusted her Red Sox hat and smoothed down her shirt as best she could over the bump that was starting to be noticeable which only made his smile grow larger.

"Yeah I did," Chris realized he still needed to answer the question. "I got married two years ago to the most amazing woman ever. Still not quite sure how I scored that one to be honest."

"Well we certainly love the red carpet photos we've seen of you guys together," Kate kept the conversation going. "My personal favorite was when Stevie wore sneakers under her dress."

Chris burst out laughing, slapping a hand to his chest while looking at Stevie who just shrugged, "Well my wife isn't much for all the glitz and glam. Neither of us are. Most of the time at home we're in our sweatpants and cuddling with our dog."

"And soon you're going to be cuddling with more than just your dog, isn't that right?" She asked him.

Immediately his eyes lifted to look at Stevie. She sat there smiling with her hands resting on her bump that made her even more adorable that she already was. Stevie, seeing the way he was staring at her, couldn't help but make a silly face at him, causing him to snicker to himself before making a face right back at her.

"Yeah, we're going to be having a baby and I couldn't be more excited," Chris was honest.

"As your wife is too, I'm sure," Kate said, looking over at her and smiled. "Actually, Stevie, why don't you come over and hop in! I'm sure the fans would love to know some inside information about Captain America."

Stevie just laughed and at Chris' reassuring smile, she got up and came over, sitting down next to Chris and sat near the microphone. She felt his warm hand come to rest on her leg before she let her slender one come to rest on top of it.

"Chris' would you like to introduce your wife on the podcast?" The informal interview went on.

"Sure," Chris snickered before saying, "This is Stevie Evans, my lovely wife of two years and best friend of mine since we were babies. She's a little league coach, exceptionally athletic and beautiful and one of the biggest dorks I know."

"You brat!" Stevie laughed while smacking him.

"Now might be a good time to ask you to dish on Chris! What is Captain America like in real life?" Kate asked. "In what ways is he like Captain America and what are the ways he maybe isn't so much? I know the fans will be dying to know."

"Well for starters, one way he isn't like Steve Rogers is he leaves his dirty clothes on the floor all the time and has been trying to train our dog for years to pick them up for him but it's not working," Stevie started with.

"Dodger just needs more practice," Chris snickered while Stevie playfully rolled her eyes at him.

Katie added, "Yeah I think Steve Rogers would for sure pick up his own clothes."

"Definitely," Stevie nodded. "But in reality, Chris really is a lot like Steve. He's honest, hard working, has a heart of gold, and would give up everything just to help someone else and does on a regular basis. One of the biggest things though is I think about how many people's lives Steve Rogers changed and I think that's so true of Chris too."

Chris just shook his head, "Well I don't know that I've really changed many people's lives."

"I know you've changed mine," Stevie told him, looking deep into Chris' blue eyes.

For a moment the two completely forgot about the setting they were in. It was just the two of them looking into one another's eyes. Chris' eyes watered as he reflected briefly over his life. He swore he was the luckiest guy on the face of the planet. He was married to Stevie. Sassy, hilarious, kind spirited, fun, joyful, fiery, thoughtful, headstrong, loyal, opinionated Stevie. He loved her so deeply for everything that she was and he felt so loved for all he was in return. And now, they were going to be parents soon and he couldn't wait to see what qualities of hers that their child got and to see how even more in love with her he would fall over the years.

"You've changed mine and turned my life into something so wonderful just by who you are," Chris told her, lost in his deep adoration for her.

Just then, Kate spoke up, making them remember where they were and breaking them  out of their moment, "Woah, way to have couple goals."

The pair just laughed before Stevie couldn't help but crack a joke, "Yeah remind me of that when I'm trying to get him to pick up his smelly socks."

"Hey, I'm getting better," Chris held his hands up in defense.

"Well you have the rest of your life to try to get him to pick up his socks, Stevie," Kate joked.

Stevie just nodded, answering Kate's question while she looked into her husband's loving eyes with equal affection for him as she smiled, "Yes I do, and I'm totally okay with that because that means he'll be there."


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