Chapter 10

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"AUNTIE STEVIE! WE WON!" Jake shouted, running over to her aunt once the game ended and earned a giant hug from her.

"You guys were amazing!" She praised as Ethan came over to get a hug from the woman who practically was his aunt also.

She ushered the boys over to the dugout to get all of their equipment and she helped the whole team pack everything up. Stevie made sure everyone found their parents and were safe with them before she followed Ethan and Jake out of the dugout and toward the group of their families.

"UNCLE CHRIS!" The two boys shouted when their eyes landed on the tall man neither expected to be there.

He laughed loudly before hugging them both tightly. Ethan looked up at his uncle and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I came home to celebrate Aunt Stevie's birthday," He explained.

The family all shared looks and Laurie couldn't help but chime in, "I think you did a pretty good job of that."

Stevie blushed while Chris just beamed at her. They both were still kind of just in shock but Chris was on cloud nine. He felt like his dreams were coming true and his heart was so full of joy that he barely could contain it.

"So how long are you here for?" Scott asked his brother.

"My flight leaves at midnight, so I'm just here for the day. I'm due on set at 8 in the morning tomorrow," Chris explained.

"We're going out to lunch for Aunt Stevie's birthday," Miles informed his uncle.

The adults again all shared a look before Lisa spoke, "How about we all meet up for dinner instead. I think Stevie might want to spend her birthday with Chris."

Stevie's cheeks burned red again. Chris couldn't help but feel his heart warm, knowing how unusual that was for her and he felt a small victory in it. The family all shared hugs before heading in their own directions with plans to meet that evening. Soon the only people left were Chris and Stevie.

It was awkward between the two, but somehow it was a good awkward. Neither knew exactly what to say but somehow they both knew what the other was thinking and it was okay. They knew things were good between them but they didn't quite know how to proceed.

"Want to come over?" Chris offered.

"Or you can come to my apartment," Stevie replied. "Lisa brought Dodger over yesterday and he's still at my place because he was sleeping when I left and I didn't want to bother him."

Chris happily agreed and since they both drove separate, they each drove the short distance to her building. They walked up in silence but the moment she unlocked the door and the pair stepped inside, Dodger came bounding over and jumped on Chris.

"Hi buddy! I missed you!!" He rubbed Dodger and let him lick his face.

While this was going on, Stevie sat on the nearby couch and enjoyed the sight. Soon enough Dodger calmed down and went back to wandering around the small apartment. Chris pushed himself off the floor and slowly walked over to where Stevie was on the couch.

The two still hadn't said anything but when Stevie flashed that beautiful smile at him, that told Chris all he needed to know. He looked down at her and then hastily said, "Okay, that's it! I just have to do this."

In one swift motion, he had one knee on the cushion of the couch while his arms wrapped around Stevie and laid her back on the pillows of the couch. She laughed wildly at the outburst but was quickly silenced when his eager mouth found hers. She melted into the kiss while Chris began sucking on her bottom lip. Her fingers found his short brown locks and ran through them while he pulled her heaving chest tightly against his muscular one.

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