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After what happened at Jacobi's, all the boys went to the lodging house and waited for the next morning to go out and spread the word about the strike. I was excited to go to Brooklyn, and a little nervous, but i'll shake it off. I decided to go out after dark to the roof. No one was up there so i thought i would just have some alone time. It isn't hard to get alone time during the day because everyone goes on their own to make money. But there is no time to just sit there, we need to sell the papers in order to make the money. I sat with my legs criss crossed applesauce with a little ripped blanket around me to keep me warm. I admired the view of New York and realized how blessed i am to be able to go outside. In the orphanage, we would get arrested if we stepped foot out there. I sat and continued to think about my life. Then i heard the door open. My head shot back and i saw a body walk out of the shadows. It was Race. My heart fluttered a little bit when i realized it was him.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask casually

"Well i woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, then i realized you were gone so i came ta look if you was up here." He says. Holy shit he was looking for me.

"Afraid i ran away?" I asked jokingly

"Well you have done it before." He says sitting down next to me. The blanket slipped off my shoulders and i didn't even notice. I was just so lost in the fact that ME AND RACE ARE ALONE!

"So why did you come up here? You never come up to the roof." Race says

"Well i was just thinkin. Ya know with the strike goin on." I reply

"Are you scared to go to Brooklyn?" He asked

"Not really, i bet you Spot Conlon i just another newsie that acts all tough and people buy his act so they bow down to him." I say

"Wow, you really don't know who this guy is?" Race ask

"I know who he is Race, i'm just sayin he acts all tough. Kinda like how you chew on a cigar all the time to make ya look cool." I tease while snatching the cigar from his mouth.

"Hey!" he says while trying to grab it back from me. I lift my arm away from him as i stand up and walk towards the edge. Race just sat and watched me as i walked further away from him with the cigar.

"Why do you carry this thing around anyways?" I ask twiddling it around in my fingers. Race stood up and walked up to me.

"Gimme this." He says snatching the cigar from me. "It calms me down." he mumbles with the cigar in his mouth. I laugh and he takes the cigar out of his mouth.

"Have you ever smoked one before?" I asked pulling it out of his mouth. I really wanted to know the deal with this cigar. 

"I can show you if you give it back!" Race says trying to grab it from me. I couldn't stop laughing as i was teasing him. Then he caught both my hands and held them tightly so i couldn't move them away from him.

"Hey!" I say pulling my free hand out of his grip. "You trying to look tough?" I ask teasingly. He tried to grab it really quickly but i moved my hand with his cigar in the air. Then he caught it again and held it up so I couldn't move it.

"Oh i'll show you tough." Race says. Out of no where, with no warning. Race quickly but gently grabbed my waist with his free hand, and pulled me in for a kiss. Our hands were still in the air, but i let go of the cigar and wrapped both of my hands around his neck. Once i let go, he put the cigar in his pocket and placed his hand on my waist. Guys, i was kissing race. I WAS KISSING RACE! We slowly pulled away, and i stared into his eyes. Oh his eyes. Only one of the reasons i'm head over heals for this guy.

"Whoa." I say as i realize what just happened. That happened so suddenly. Race laughed at the fact that i was shocked that he kissed me. Race looks down and picks up the blanket i dropped off the floor.

"Good night Kensta." Race says softly while handing me the blanket. He kissed my cheek and walked over to the door. Before he disappeared into the lodging house, he turned to me and waved his cigar in the air with a smile on his face. I laughed as he shut the door. Holy Moly i'm still confused. I hope he didn't just kiss me for the cigar. He didn't... right? I mean he kissed me cheek too. Damn now i'm even more confused. I stayed up there for another 30 minutes thinking. All that i needs to do is talk to Albert and JoJo.

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