Wishes Come True

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I walked out of Katie's room and met up with Sly down stairs near the door.

"I hear you chose the friendly approach?" Sly smiles.

"Well everyone deserves another chance." I say as we begin to walk out of the mansion.

"See, that's what makes you a good person. You're always thinking about others. Even when they might not think about you." He complements.

"You're a good person too Sly. It takes a lot to forgive someone who's betrayed you." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You've been doing it a lot recently haven't you?" He laughs. That got me thinking about all the things that happened these past few months. We all changed, and that led to very good, and very bad things. Yea it was a lot to handle, but I overcame it. And I couldn't do that without Race, or Jack, or my friends.

"All that matters to me now is that we settle this stupid fight and I get my normal life back." I say changing the subject. "Hey do you have a watch?" I ask. Sly pulls out an old rusted metal pocket watch. He looks at the watch in surprise.

"It's almost 12! We better get you back to Manhattan." He says as he grabs my hand and starts to speed walk.

"Wait a second. Do you know what day it is?" I ask.

"Um, November 28 I think." He answers.

"Oh my gosh... it's my birthday." I remember. I completely lost track of what day it was. Now I have to worry if anyone actually remembered my birthday.

"Happy Birthday Ken." Sly smiles. "You're considered a women now, right? Jack can't tell you what to do no more." He teases. I nudge him with my elbow as we share a laugh and head back to Manhattan.

Sly dropped me off at the entrance of the lodging house. He wished me a happy birthday and headed back to Queens. I walked into the lodging house to see everyone dead on their bed. As I climbed into my bed, I looked next to me to find an empty bunk. Race's bunk.

I climbed off the bunk and went to the roof. I opened the door and start to look for him. As I hear the door shut behind me I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me from the ground. I let out a scream as I start laughing. I knew it was Race.

"Happy Birthday beautiful." He wishes as he puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me. I pull away and smile.

"Thank you love." I say as I hug him.

"How did it go with Katie?" He ask.

"Well I think that I handled it pretty well. I forgave her." I say.

"What?" He pulls away from the hug. "What did she drug you with to get you to do that?"

"Nothing. I just figured that it would make life easier. Ya know, since I want to make things normal again?" I respond.

"Well Ken, I know you want everything to go back to the way it was but... people changed over the past few months. Things are probably gonna be different with me and Albert, you and Jack, and obviously us and Katie." He says.

"I know that but, everything's just been so chaotic and I need it all to just die down. I know everyone is different but that doesn't mean we can't go back to all being friends." I defend myself. Race just nodded his head in agreement and kissed my forehead.

"I got you a Birthday gift." He says softly as he pulls out a box from his pockets. I look up at him with a smile growing on my face. I open the box the reveal a necklace.

 I open the box the reveal a necklace

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