Chapter 15

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Kierra POV
It's been 3 months since I was in the hospital and since I told Michael I was pregnant,It went really well(Major Sarcasm)...

"Maya can you guys give us a moment" I need to tell him or he's gonna freak,she nodded and pulled Leo out of the room,"Kierra what's wrong" concern laced his voice "Michael I'm pregnant" I stared at him waiting for some type of reaction "Ha April's fools" he chuckled,"It's not April" he froze "Are you serious this isn't something to joke about" he said "Michael I wouldn't joke about something like this"  there was a thick silence in the room and I didn't like it. " mean like have a very small person in you that came from my dick" he asked looking confused "Um when you put it like that it sounds a little weird but yeah I guess" he still looked confused "I'm gonna be a dad" I nodded "Someone's gonna have me as a dad" he started pacing around the room "Michael can you stop pacing around god your making me nervous" "I can't help it this is a lot of new information to handle" he ran a hand threw his hair "How far are you?"  "I don't know like a day why" he went towards the window and closed the blinds "Kierra I need you to leave,you and Maya get the hell out of here don't look back" I felt tears brim my eyes "If you want me to leave you could've just told me-But I be damned if I'm taking Maya away from Leo" before I knew it he was in front of me in a flash pining me to the bed "Kierra I love and always will but I need you to get away from me take Maya with you and don't come back until I say it's safe"  he looked scared I could see the fear in his eyes, "What do you mean safe what's happening  and It better be the truth or so help me god I will scratch your eyes out,cut your dick off then shove it up your ass and have your dick fuck you in the ass!"  he was  really starting to piss me off  pfft safe my ass my ass isn't even safe,"Kierra please just do this for me and once  it's safe I promise I will come and get you"  I glared at him I wanted to punch the hell out of him but  luckily he was holding me down  or he would've been laying on the floor."You know what Michael fuck you get the hell out" I don't want see his ugly ass face right now,"Fine" he stormed out the room slamming the door behind him. I don't want his ass anyway......

Like I said that was 3 months ago,he hasn't called or anything and it's starting to piss me off. I living with my mom and she isn't so happy about the fact that I'm pregnant but she has still been supportive,She wants to kill Michael just as bad as I do but she said and I quote "My grandbaby need's a dad and I don't want another body on my list" yea I know she's crazy,And my bestfriend last time I talked to her she was back at our apartment she comes and visits every once in a while. Her and Leo took a 'break' but I know their seeing each other and I told her constantly that they don't have to fuck behind my back.I've been having these weird cravings and I think I'm creeping my mom out yesterday she walked in on me eating Doritos and PB and it was good as hell tho,John recovered from the accident he just keeps getting constant headaches they should be almost gone.He also didn't accept the fact that I was pregnant at first but he understood also lets just say me being pregnant gave my mom some ideas and I can only assume that she wants a baby,My mom's only 36 and John's 39 but they can atleast wait until I'm sleep or out of the house. Anyway I'm now sitting on the couch binge watching Stranger Things, Mom and John are out and won't be back till around 8 it's only 6. I hear a knock on the door,I slowly get up and grab the baseball bat beside the door and look through the peekwhole but only thing I saw black they were covering it up.

They knocked again,"Who is it?" I kept my voice strong now letting my fear make a apperence,Silence they didn't say anything I'm not opening the door if that's what they think. Their obviously not coming in here without me knowing who they are. I heard footsteps retreat okay good their leaving,I went and sa-the door flew off of it's hinges I screamed as the person stepped through the door,I grabbed my bat and held it in front of me the person looked at me and it's Michael he looked terrible he had bags under his eyes,his hair got longer and he had stubble from where he hasn't shaven in a while,But I'm still gonna yell at him "WHY THE HELL DID YOU BREAK DOWN MY PARENTS DOOR" I was fuming you can't just disappear out of my life for 3 months than come busting through my parents front door. "Kierra I need you to listen to me,go grab some clothes and anything you need we have to go" he said this as he looked around frantically searching for something.

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