Chapter 18

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Previously on My Dangerous Italian:"You have one last chance yes or no?" Roman said,"Roman I said no" I said,"To bad" she said and stabbed the knife into the person's side,They screamed and when she took off the bag,I shattered right there,Maya was in the chair with a knife in her side.
She had tears running down her face and it broke me to see her in pain,I never wanted to see her cry,I always wanted to see her smile. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled taking a step forward,"I suggest you take a step back Leonardo or it'll be her throat next" she said "Roman why are you doing this? I asked,She really starting to piss me off.

"Leo I thought little Maya over here would've have told you" she said pushing the knife deeper into Maya's side,she screamed out in pain and it was hurting me to see her like this. "Roman you really are testing my patience" I said "Bitch run" Michael snickered,"Of course not Leo but this wouldn't have been so painful if you just gave me what I wanted" she said walking closer to me.

"Roman let's talk this out okay?" I asked,"Leo baby I'm done talking because apparently you don't listen" she said,"You have two options Leo,1.You can save Maya or You can save your mama and his pregnant girlfriend" she said,I could feel Michael freeze beside me.

"Bitch what the hell did you just say!?" Micheal said,"Oh is the other Giovanni mad now" she cooed."Look I don't hit women but you about to make me lay your ass out" he said,"Roman let's just talk I don't have all day" I said "Fine,Dammi un giorno e io ti daro mia sorello,Solo se non ti tocchi i capelli in testa" she said.
(Give me her for a day and I will give you my sister,Only if you don't touch a hair on her head)

"Puoi fare lo stesso?' I asked (Can you do the same?) "Non posso fare quelle promesse" she said (I can't make those promises). "Ok, quindi vuoi tua sorella morta la prossima volta che la vedi" I said (Okay,so you want your sister dead the next time you see her). "Sono proprio qui,lo sai" Angelica said (I'm still here you know).

"Roman I don't have time for your fucking games" I said. She gave one of her henchman a look and he grabbed Michael,"Hey big fell I suggest you don't touch me!" he said. "Roman what the hell are you doing?" I asked,"Apparently you need some motivation" she said as she pulled the knife out of Maya's side,she winced but remained quiet.

"Okay Leo we have to do this quickly" she said
"Your brother or your precious girl over here"

Kierra POV
"Kierra wake up" a voice said shaking me,"No five more minutes" I mumbled "Bitch get your ass up,Maya's gone" they said. "She probably went to get some dick" I said,"Someone took her now get up" they said,I opened my eyes and saw Anthony. "Fine get the hell out" I said. He stormed out and slammed the door.

His big head ass,I got up and slipped on one of Michael's shirts and a pair of sweats and my fluffy slides. I walked downstairs and saw a hella lot of dudes in the livingroom and they didn't look like the friendliest people.

One of them got up and walked towards me,He had a giant scar running down his right eye,he had brown hair with dark grey eyes,he looked around his mid 30's. "You Kierra?" he asked,I nodded,"Stella is in the kitchen" he said. "Thanks" I mumbled and walked into the kitchen and saw Stella trying to force a piece of cake in Anthony's mouth.

Anthony saw me come in and he sighed,"Stella look who it it" he said pointing at me,she looked at me and engulfed me in a hug."Kierra can you please tell Anthony that my Lemon cake is delicious" she said,"Anthony are you crazy?! Her lemon cake is from the heavens!" (Or a box)

"SHE FED ME 5 FUCKING PIES!" He yelled,"Stella are you stress baking?" I asked "No of course not,I have nothing to stress over" she said. "Lies" Anthony said and opened the fridge and it was packed with cakes,cupcakes,pretty much everything you would eat when you were high.

"Okay maybe I got a little carried away" she said putting her hands up,"Stella where is Michael and everyone?" I asked,she sighed and ran a hand through her hair,"They got into some trouble" she said,"Come on Stella what happened" I asked. "Fine,There are some things you need to know,both if you" she said,"Do I really have to?" Anthony whined.

She ignored him,"Kierra,Michael and Leo do dangerous work" she said,"I know,remember the time me and Maya almost got shot or the time when Maya went on a date with Leo and almost got shot again" I said. "It isn't that simple" she said,"Okay what are they in a street gang or something?" I asked,It's common ain't nothing new.

"Kierra they are in the Mafia" she said,"I knew it!" Anthony said,"There was always something fishy going on but I always thought it was Maya" he said,"Mafia?,Is that way Michael said I was in danger?" I asked,she nodded. "One of their targets were in town so they went after her" she said,"Wait so you had to get us out of the house" I said.

"Yes but apparently whatever they planned backfired because they were supposed to have been back by now" she said,"But where is Maya?" I asked,"Someone took her but don't worry I'm sure she is okay" she said

Maya POV
Bitch is the only word that can be used to described this Roman chick,Apparently her and Leo have some history and they over here talking in Italian while the only thing I can talk in is English.

"Come on Leo,the clock is running out" she said,"Roman let's talk this out" he said,"I don't have time!" she yelled. "How about you let Me,my brother and Maya leave and you want hear from us anymore" he said,she laughed and you can definitely tell it was fake,"Here let's give you some motivation" she said.

She launched the knife and it landed in Michael's shoulder,"You bitch" he grunted out,"Next throw is the heart" she said,"Roman let them go" Angelica said. "Sister I suggest you shut it" she said,"Roman what did they every do to us?" she asked,"THEY KILLED OUR FAMILY!" She yelled,"There are the reason it's only me and you" she said.

"Roman that was our father we had nothing to do with that" Leo said,"Well your father is the cause for this" she said,The dude grabbed Leo and held him back,"Sorry Leo" she said,she walled towards me and looked me in the eyes,as she said the words that will make her lose her life

"You will lose your life the same way I murdered your parents"

Angelica in Media

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