Bonus Chapter-Tricks or Boo!

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Maya's Pov

"So how does it feel Mrs. Giovanni?" Kierra asked,"Normal just more sex" I said as I looked through the children's costumes. "I don't understand why you brought me with you" she said and picked up a butterfly costume made for babies. "Kierra I hope you know your kids are to big for that" I said.

"Duh but that doesn't mean I can't browse the outfits" she said and set it back on the rack.

"Why don't you just make Eva a ghost,put some holes in a sheet and throw it over her head" she said and put the costume back. "My child is not about to wear a fucking sheet!" I whispered as people around the shop started to stare.

"It was just a suggestion,no need to get feisty" she said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman start walking towards us. She gave us a gentle smile but I could still feel her judgemental stare.

"Hi there! My name Brianna,is there anything I can help you with?" she asked,"Actually yes you can Bri" Kierra said,"Of course. How can I be of assistance?" she asked.

"Well I need something to murder my godchild in and I was wondering if you have any of tips" Kierra said scaring the poor girl. Brianna looked around the store and locked eyes with a coworker.

"Um...I'm afraid not but could  you give me a second" she said and quickly walked away. "We're about to get banned from here" I said as I saw security walk in. Can't take her anywhere without being kicked out or banned.


"Eva stop putting your thumb in your mouth" I said as I snatched it from her mouth. "Leave her alone mia bella,she is only curious" Leonardo said hugging me from behind. "No! She is gonna make that a habit and she needs to stop it" I said prying myself from his grip.

"Dada!" Eva said and made grabbing hands at Leo who chuckled. He bent down and picked her up,"Yes my little butterfly?" he asked,"Are you coming with me and mommy?" she asked,"Not today baby I have work to do but when you come back I have a surprise for you when you come back" he said and sat her down.

"Eva go and get your jacket so we can go" I said,she nodded and ran out of the room. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Please be safe tonight Maya" he whispered into my hair. "Leo I'll be fine now could you please let me go so I can breathe" I said and took gulps of air.

"Sorry I forgot how small you actually are" he said and released me.

"I may be small but my mouth sure isn't"

I smirked and walked away,"No,why don't you show me what that mouth do then mia bella" he said and ran after me. I was so busy laughing I didn't see Michael around the corner. "Woah watch the face" he said and held me an arms length away.

"Okay pretty boy! Hands off my wife you have your own" Leo said pulling me into him. "Whatever,have you seen mom? I have to ask her something important" he said. "Why would she be here when she has her own house now" Leo said. "Oh right,well bye lovebirds" he said and left the house.

"Your brother is weird" I stated,"Believe me I know" he said. He turned me around so I was facing him. "Promise me principessa that you and Eva will be safe and if you run into any trouble call me immediately" he said seriously.

"Don't worry I picked up some ass kicking skills from you" I said pecking him on his lips. He chuckled and pulled me closer,"I love you Maya" he said,"Love you too but I have to go before we have a very angry daughter" I said.



"Trick or Treat!" Eva yelled as the elderly woman opened the door with a bowl of candy. "Why hello little girl" she said,"Hi! Can I have some candy now?" Eva asked,I shook my head at her impatience and groaned. "Eva remember to say please" I said.

"Okay,please give me some candy" she said and beamed up at the woman. "Here you go little butterfly" she said and placed a handful of candy in Eva's bucket. "Say thank you Eva" I said as I grabbed her hand. "Thank you lady" she said as the woman gave her a smile. "Your welcome now enjoy your night" she said and closed her door.

"Eva you have to ask nicely for candy" I said as we walked down the sidewalk. "But Dada said if you are too nice and people will walk over you and I don't want people to walk on me because it will hurt" she said. "Of course Leo would tell you something like that" I mumbled.

"Eva your daddy is a adult and sometimes he doesn't think about what he say so sometimes you should tell you Dada to shush,okay?" I said. "He's a big year old like you?" she asked.

"Yes and it called a adult and believe me when I tell you that it is boring" I said as we reached the next house. We walked up the steps and onto the porch. We rung the doorbell and waited for them to open the door.

"I got it!" a familiar voice yelled from the other side. The door opened to reveal a familiar tattooed woman.

"Trick or Treat!"



I did it baby!! I finally updated on time and I bet half of you thought I forgot but I didn't I just do things very slowly.

I literally did this after I came home from trick or treating with some friends and I was exhausted but I pulled through for you guys.

All my love guys!

Happy Halloween

October 31,2018

I was literally only listening to one song while writing this and it was the only reason I am still awake.

One day I'll put my playlist up for this book!

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