Chapter 5

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Maya POV

It's been a week since I left the hospital and I'm bored as fuck. Kierra has been gone most of the time with Michael.

Where's Leo? I don't know I haven't seen him since he was at the hospital, Knock Knock "Why?" I asked myself and got up and went the front door I opened the door and saw Leo.

"H-hey" I said clearing my throat,"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to check up on you." he said giving me a little smile. "Okay you want to come in?" I asked.

He nodded and stepped into my small apartment. "Here this is for you." he said and handed me a white rose with a blue ribbon tied around it.

"Thank you." I said, before I could stop myself I gave him a hug. He tensed up under me after a minute he relaxed and hugged me back. I pulled away before this could get awkward.

"Sorry." I said smiling. His cheeks were a pink shade."Oh my god!" I yelled,"What!?" he asked looking concerned, "Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?" he asked checking me for injuries.

"No you were blushing." I said laughing. "No I wasn't. Grown men don't blush that's something a boy does." he said
"So I was wondering." he said as we sat on the couch getting comfortable. "Do you want to have dinner with me?" he asked me.

"Um sure...yeah whatever I have nothing else to do." I said."Okay I'll pick you up at seven." he said before he got up and left. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:57 pm I went upstairs so that I could get ready.

I took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel and one around my hair before picking out a simple but cute outfit.

I put some lotion on before slipping on some midnight blue undergarments and putting on the outfit. I dried my hair before styling it
and putting on some clear lip gloss. I looked in the mirror and I looked pretty damn cute.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:59. I heard a knock at the door . 7:00 on the dot. I went and opened the door and saw Leo standing there in a white polo shirt and black pants. "Ready?" he asked."Yep." I said, I locked the door behind me as he grabbed my hand.

He pulled me down the hall we walked down in silence even the elevator ride was quiet. I hate silence it will slowly eat away at me till I break which happens ever blue moon I haven't had one since my parents died.

We finally reached this small diner called Jack's House

Once we entered the smell of chicken hit me and I was in love automatically. My mouth was watering, "Hi would you like your regular seat Mr. Giovanni?" Asked a woman in her mid thirties.

"Yes Yuri." he said. She started walking and we followed her to the back of the restaurant where a curtain hid a room from the rest of the restaurant. Leo pulled out my chair out before he sat down himself.

"So what's your favorite color?" I asked him,he arched and eyebrow as if saying

"Just asking." I said when I realized he wasn't going to answer. "Sliver." he said, "What?" I asked and looked at him. Why is he talking about sliver? Wait is he a werewolf? "My favorite color is sliver." he said. Okay that makes more sense.

"How about you?" he asked "Blue." I said as I smiled.

He had some type of emotion in his eyes but I couldn't read it for it disappeared just as quick as it came. "Why sliver?" I asked "It's just a color I like." he said, "Hi I'm Sarah your waitress what can I get you Mr Giovanni." She squeaked.

Her voice was so high I wouldn't be surprise if she could break glass. "I'll have Chicken sandwich with extra mayo and Lettuce no tomatoes with large fries and a coke." he said and she wrote everything down and turned to me. "And for you?" she asked me with a tight smile.

"I'll have a medium rare steak with a baked potato and a strawberry Fanta." I said, she wrote it down and went to get our food and I swear I heard her say "You could use a salad and water." but hey let's pretend I don't get up to beat her ass and so we don't get kicked out.

We were eating our food when the sound of gunshots started ringing in my ears.


"Get down!" Leo shouted before he pushed me under the table "Stay here don't come out no matter what okay." he said I nodded. He did the most unexpected thing and kissed me like not on my cheek but my lips. I finally gave in and kissed him back he tasted like mint.

"Oh Leonardo were are you come out and let's talk." a voice said "Look follow me." Leo whispered.

I nodded we crawled out and he led us to what looked like a storage room. "Go down here." he said and opened up a vent on the floor "Crawl in there and go all the way to the end Michael is waiting there." he said "What about you?" I asked

"I can handle myself now go." he said I got into the vent and looked up at him he nodded. I started crawling when I heard the door open and voices.

Leo's POV

I had just closed the vent when I heard the door opened and Roberto barged in with his men. "Ah Roberto what can I do for you?" I asked."Were you hiding?" he asked with a smirk.

"No I was finding a more secluded spot to talk." I said "How is Maria?" he asked smiling. "You know Dead" I said blankly. "How can you kill your girlfriend and feel nothing." he said shaking his head. "Just like your father." he said

My jaw clenched and I was fighting the urge not to shoot him in the balls right now."Ah I see you look a little angry." he said,I reached for my gun.

"Chi si calma non c'è bisogno di arrabbiarsi." he said "You know Roberto Sarah was a good fuck especially when she demanded me to go faster and harder." I said about his wife smirking. "You motherfucker!" he yelled

(Whoa calm down no need to get angry)

"Chi si calma non c'è bisogno di arrabbiarsi." I mocked. "Go to hell!" he sneered. "I was planning to and I'll drag you down with me." I said "Leonardo you are a disgrace to Giovanni family! We'll talk another time I promise you that!" he yelled before he stormed off, his men falling him.

I walked out the room and checked my phone and saw I had a text from Micheal saying he was taking Maya back to the house where Kierra was waiting with our mamma.

I texted him saying I'll be there in 15 I put my phone in my pocket and looked at my restaurant was destroyed with bullet holes here and there and I didn't see any bodies so he didn't kill anyone.


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