Chapter 28

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Kierra Pov

"Okay Kierra breathe we're almost there" Maya sitting in the back with me,"Michael drive a little faster!" she yelled,"I'm trying!" he yelled back. "Maya why does this shit hurt so much?" I asked,"Um I don't know,Michael speed it up!" she yelled,I squeezed her hand harder as the pain intensified,"Ouch ouch my hand!" she yelled as she tried to pull free.

"Kierra let go of Maya's hand" Leo said,"No now leave me the hell alone" I said as I squeezed it harder,He turned around while Maya glared at him,"Maya please calm me down and distract me?" I asked,"Okay um...Soft kitty warm kitty,little ball of fur,happy kitty sleepy kitty,purr purr purr" she sang..."That's from The Big Bang Theory" I said remembering that eposide.

"Sorry that's the first thing that came to mind" she said."We're here" Michael said as he got of the car and helped Kierra out.

3 hours later...

Maya Pov

"Where's Stella?" I asked Leo,"She's on the way" he said going back to tapping his foot on the floor,"Can you stop tapping it's really annoying" I said,he scoffed,"Can you stop pacing?" he retorted back. "I can't help it I want to know what's going on" I said,"BITCH I AM PUSHING!" Kierra's voice echoed into the waiting room,I laughed but felt bad for the poor nurse.

"I can't wait till that's me and you back there" Leo said,"Um what do you mean?" I asked,"You know babies,hospital,you screaming at the nurse" he said,"Keep dreaming buddy" I said,He chuckled. "That's the same thing Kierra told Michael and you see where that landed her" he said.


"Maya,Leo" Our voices snapped towards the entrance and saw Stella rushing towards us. "Stella" I said as she pulled me into a hug. "How's Kierra?" she asked,"YOU SEE THE HEAD GOOD THEN GET IT OUT OF ME!"
Stella eyes widened while me and Leo tried to stifle our laughter. "Stella can I talk to you?" I asked,Leo eyed me suspiciously. "Of course you know you can tell me anything" she said,"Yeah I know but come with me" I said pulling her into a nearby women's restroom.

"What is it?" she asked,"Stella did you go and talk to him?" I asked,"Talk to who?" she asked all innocently. "Stella..." I said,"Oh him yes I told him,he took it well and said he would to be in the baby's life" she said,"Does he have a name?" I asked

"Yes his name is Connor" she said (The android sent by CyberLife)
"So how are you going to tell your boys?" I asked,"I plan on doing it soon over a dinner sometime" she said,"Okay let's go before Leonardo has a heart attack" she said

We walked out only to run into Leo,"Come on Kierra wants you to meet someone" he said,we walked to her room and saw Kierra holding a small pink wiggling blanket,"Maya come and meet your niece" she said smiling.

"Kierra she is beautiful" I said gushing at the blue eyed beauty.

"Kierra you've finally did something right" I said,"What's here name?" Stella asked smiling,"Chiara Jae Giovanni" she said,"You gave her your grandmothers name" I said noticing her muddle middle name

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"Kierra you've finally did something right" I said,"What's here name?" Stella asked smiling,"Chiara Jae Giovanni" she said,"You gave her your grandmothers name" I said noticing her muddle middle name.

She nodded,"Do you want to hold her?" she asked,"Yes please" I said,I picked her up carefully and rocked her slowly,"She's so small" I said as she did little grabby hands,"Okay I want to hold her" Stella said reaching out for her granddaughter.

I handed gave her Chiara and she looked like she was about to cry,"Stella are you okay?" I asked noticing tears well up,"I finally have a grandbaby I've been waiting so long" she said letting some tears slip from her eyes,"Momma don't cry on the baby" Michael said taking little Chiara from Stella who wiped her tears.

"Don't worry mom you'll have another one in two years" he said which earned a glare from Kierra,"Another one?" she asked,"Yes but this time it'll be a grandson" he said. "Kierra you want another so soon?" she asked,"I guess even though that pain was a bitch and also the nurse was a bitch too" she said.

"Leo,Maya what about you?" she asked,"What about us?" I asked,"Don't think Kierra and Michael will be the only ones giving me grandkids you have to pop out a few too" she said,Leo chuckled and wrapped his arm around me,"Don't worry momma just give us a few months" he said earning a cough from Michael who was smirking.

"Okay why don't you kids go home while I stay here with them" she said,we nodded and said our goodbyes and left the hospital. "So do you want a boy or a girl?" he asked when we reached the car,"It doesn't matter to me but I want a boy" I said as we got into the car,"You want a little Jr running around" he said smirking and driving off.


"I'm so sleepy" I said as we walked up the stairs,"Then sleep I have business to do real quick" he said kissing me on the lips than going to his office downstairs,"Weird" I mumbled,I'm so tired I can sleep for a whole winter.

Leo Pov

I reached my office and dialed her number and before you go assuming anything I'm not cheating so don't be in my comments saying I'm a hoe and yes I broke the 4th wall,deal with it.

"Hello motherfucker" Janyiah answered,"What's Roman's condition?" I asked,"Alive but still depressed,Like I understand your sister is dead bit it's been months please move on" she said,"Janyiah I didn't call to ask about your feelings I need information" I said

"All I got out of her was that she is working with some guy named Snake and apparently your girlfriend has met him personally" she said,"Janyiah I'll call you back" I said noticing movement at the front of the house on the camera,I grabbed my gun and rushed to the front door and I opened it before the guy could knock.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?" I asked pointing the gun at his face,he smirked.

"My name is Snake and I need to speak with Maya"

3 remaining also Snake's back and he came to cause trouble.

Also Kierra finally had her baby girl and I freaking love her.

Last 3 chapters coming all day tomorrow. Bye :)

P.s thxs for 1.2k reads :)

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