Epilogue (2)

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Bre's POV

I sat on the plane and looked through the ziploc bag that had all my stuff. I held my phone carefully. The iPhone had so many cracks and scratches it was ridiculous, enough for me to cut my finger on, but miraculously, it still turned on.

I touched in the password and was surprised to see over 500 texts. Some from my dad, my brother, my friends, my cousins and aunts, and the most came from one guy, Roc, my love.

I opened all the others first, not bothering to read their panicked messages or wishes for my safety and quick recovery, and then went to his thread which was down to 357, the last message, sent a while ago, almost a month.

'Bre if you ever see this message, today was the day that I took Nessa to see you for the last time for a while. I don't want to take her to see you every month because I don't think it'd be good for her to see you that way as she gets older. I'd much rather her hope for you to come back then her see you that way. I want her to remember you how I do. Vibrant and happy, smiling and awake. I know that had it been the opposite way you may have not done the same, but I think it might be bad for her to grow up knowing you won't ever wake up, rather than her knowing where you are and choosing to see you on her own in the future. It's hard for me to accept that you're gone in a sense. I miss seeing you everyday. Even as fucked up as you saw me and I acted, I always made sure to check on you. Every night I watched you from the roof of your house. I know once you entered your third trimester you hated wearing full socks, if any. You ate Oreo ice cream in your bed at the same time, around 7:50 because at 8 you'd take your shower and you'd be knocked out by 8:25. I know you talked to our daughter everyday and you even told her about me, the good about me. It ain't anything now at all, but I've said it before and I'll forever say it, I'm sorry for acting how I did.'

I raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he meant, I went back and flipped through all my messages before an error message flashed on my screen and before my eyes it seemed to shatter on the inside and it blacked out.

"Shit," I said softly, I rolled my eyes and dropped the phone in a trashcan that was on the plane.

I grabbed the two cards from the Ziploc bag and sighed. Guess I would have to buy a new phone once I landed, and figure out what Roc was talking about later.


Almost 4 hours later we land, and the hospital rep whose been with me the whole time showed me to a cab then left.

The first place I went to was the nearest Verizon, but it was closed. I looked at the sign and realized that it was either the day before Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving itself.

My eyes widened as I went back in the cab, "Where to?" The driver asked me.

"My boyfriend's house," I said, giving him the address.


Omniscient POV

The orange taxi pulled in front of the house that was so familiar to her, but unfamiliar at the same time. The want and need to go in was beyond strong and Bre grabbed her key from the Ziploc bag, and her small suitcase from beside her. Paying the driver she didn't even wait for him to pull off before going up to the door and unlocking it.

"Keisha? Roc?" She called out.

The room was silent and she sighed, they could be anywhere. She sat at the barstool at the counter and breathed in the air of his house, it felt as if she had been on a long vacation and just returned. She was exhausted.

"Who you?" A little voice piped up and Bre jumped and looked over to see a little boy sucking his thumb and holding a bigger boy's hand, though they both looked under 4.

"Uhm--" She started.

"Tyler and Joel!" A girl walked in and her eyes widened in fear, "Who are you?! What are you doing in here?!"

But Bre could barely hear her as she locked her eyes on the little baby in the girl's arms.

With one look she knew that was her baby. The shape of her eyes, the color of her skin, the fat cheeks that looked just like hers as a baby, that was her daughter.


She couldn't even speak as she got up and took the baby from the girl's arms, barely noticing the girl's reluctant hold and screams, all that mattered to her was her baby. The baby that fit so perfectly in the crook of her arm. The baby that smelled like her even though she had never touched her. The baby that knew her voice and smell and cooed against her.


Bre's POV

I was holding her, my soft baby that knew me. She cooed against me and tears escaped my eyes, the instant love that flooded through me.

I could vaguely hear the girl scream at me, and I shook from my moment to turn to her," What."

"Who the fuck are you you crazy bitch?! Give Nessa to me!" She screamed at me and I glared at her.

"This is my daughter! Get out my house!"

"Your house? You really are crazy bitch! I don't know how the fuck you got in here but you got three seconds before I kick your ass out of this house and call 5-O on your ass! Roc's baby mama isn't coming back!"

"Obviously I did! And just try to beat my ass, I'll wipe the floor with everything in you! Try me!"

She looked at me but I knew the glare I gave was lethal. I had only held my baby for less than a minute and this bitch was interrupting it.

She didn't make a move as I clutched Vanessa in my arms. She moved her two boys behind her and I started to wonder who this bitch was.

Before I could back away the door swung open and a scream erupted causing Vanessa to cry.

"Auntie Bwe!"

"Bre! Oh my fucking gosh!"

Lolo rushed through the door and rammed me in a hug, "Bre I missed you so fucking much oh my god!" Cruz was attached to my leg wouldn't let go.

"Shit Lo! Where the bitch at?" I heard Ray's voice before I saw him. "The fuck you doing?" He saw me and I giggled, "Whoa."

"Will someone PLEASE explain to me what the fuck is going on?! Y'all know this crazy chick?"

"This is Nessa's mom, this is Breanna." Lo turned to her, "We didn't expect her anymore than you."

I saw her face change in a look of despair before she rolled her eyes, "Well I'm gonna go, bye."

I didn't have time to dwell on that as my baby squealed loudly and cried, still scared.

"Where's Roc? I miss him!" I shook with excitement.

"You want to see him?" Both Lo and Ray asked me confusedly.

"Well yeah," I said back, staring at my squirming baby, "He is my boyfriend."

"I am?" A voice came from the door and all heads turned toward it, as I locked eyes with Roc.

"Why wouldn't you be?" I responded back.

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