Day 1: PaperHat

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Flug felt his whole world spinning as he hid behind a stone pillar. Dementia scurried past him followed by Snake Skin. Flug uncovered his ears and pointed his ray gun at Snake Skin and shut. Snake Skin cried out on agony as electricity ran throughout his body.

Dementia stopped and ran at Snake Skin kicking him into the air and back down. She grinned and threw Flug's a thumbs up before her grin fell. Flug heard movement behind him and dodged to the left as music notes blasted past him.

"Hay doc! I'm your patient right now!" The hero known as Beats said before blasting music through his speakers.

Flug ran and dodged behind another pillar. He quickly took out another of his inventions and stood.

"Let's see you dance doc!" Beats yelled blasting music at Flug.

Flug was blasted into a stone wall and slid down the wall. He quickly stood and picked up the knife he had taken out.

Flug turned and dodged just as Beats shot again. Flug realized then and there that his paper bag had been torn apart. He growled and ripped off the remaining peices. Flug adjusted his goggles before turning to Beats.

"Damn doc! You know if you weren't evil I'd totally date you." Beats said a purr in his voice.

Flug raised his ray gun and shot. Beats dodged as expected and sighed. He shook his head before rewinding his discs and shooting at Flug. Flug grinned and stabbed the air with his knife creating a circle in the air. The shot went into the circle and came out behind Beats.

Beats cried out in pain as his speakers broke beside him. Beats looked back at Flug before picking up his discs and tapping then together.

"As a fellow inventor doc I got a few tricks up my sleeves too."

The discs shape shifted into twin blades as sharp as Flug's knife. Flug took his stance following Bears movements. Flug analyzed Beats movements.

'Right shoudler injured, left arm bleeding. Movements slow but strength is probably higher.'

Flug tightened his grip on the knife and shot his ray gun at Beats. Beats dodged as expected and ran at Flug. Flug rushed back raising the knife to block Beats attacks. Flug noticed something, Beats was just hitting rapidly no motive in sight. Flug felt his heart beat quicken as he realized Beats plan.

Flug however was too late as Snake Skin sunk his teeth his neck. Flug shouted in pain dropping his knife, the venom in his blog stream taking effect. Beats raised his twin blades and brang them down. However Dementia was faster and gripped Beats wrists. Dementia used her left leg to kick Beats in the back forcing him to the ground.

Flug raised his ray gun and shot at Snake Skin. The electricity ran through both him and Snake Skin, but Flug's white lab coat proceed him (yet another invention of his). Flug pushed himself away from Snake Skin and gripped Beats by the arm and threw him into Snake Skin. The two fell into each other groaning.

Dementia and Flug look at each other and sighed in relief. The adrenaline in Flug started to fade away when he heard Dementia scream. Flug turned to see what happened but was met with a hammer to the gut. Flug cried out in pain as he flew and hit the wall behind him. The wall fell apart behind him as he slowly looked up.

Flug met eyes with two heros he and Dementia stood no chance against. Those two heros were Red Weapons and Huntress. Huntress had shot two arrows into each of Dementia's arms that pinned her to the floor. Red Weapons smiled at Flug as he changed his hammer into a sword.

Flug stood up as quickly as he could but fell once again. The venom in his system didn't allow him to move whatsoever and the added hit from Red Weapon only worsened his state. Flug was pinned to the floor by Red Weapon.

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