05 · complaints

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I'm dreading when he comes back in the room. The last thing I want to do is face him after what just happened, but I can't leave - I really need to get myself organized. Classes start in four days. Four days!

I quickly flip through my chemistry notes and decide that I probably won't be needing them, since I'm not taking any science classes, but I shove them under my bed, just in case.

I continue going through last year's papers, which is turning out to be pretty pointless since it's not like I'm actually planning on getting rid of any of them. They're fairly interesting though; I'm so submerged in my sociology notes that I don't even notice the door to my dorm opening. That is, until Harry steps into the room, dripping wet, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips.

He pays no attention to me as he looks through his bags for clothes, and just as fast as he came into the room, he's gone.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and I try to gather my thoughts. I can't let him do this to me. He's a terrible person, he's self-centred, he's arrogant...

He walks back into the room wearing black jeans and a UCLA sweatshirt. I mean, I can't deny that he looks good.

"Come on, let's go," he announces, making me furrow my brows.

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. "Go where?"

"To the store. We need food, don't we?" he states as though it's obvious.

"Yeah, well I mean..." I start, but he cuts me off.

"Exactly, so let's go." He grabs his keys from his bed, shoves his phone in his pocket, and walks out of the room.

I know I shouldn't follow him, but my body seems to have a different idea than my brain since I find myself practically chasing him down the hall and into the elevator.

The cold wind hits me as soon as we step outside of the building, making me realize that I forgot my jacket inside. Since I highly doubt that Harry would wait for me to run back up and grab it, I decide to ignore the fact that I'm freezing, and follow him to the parking lot... Which happens to be at the other end of the campus.

"You're cold," he states, glancing at me.

"No, I'm fine," I lie.

"You're literally shaking, and your fingers are blue," he points out matter-of-factly.

"I left my jacket inside," I confess. 'Since you didn't give me time to think about grabbing it before you ran off,' I add silently.

"Here, take mine," he says without hesitation, beginning to pull off his hoodie.

"I'm really ok, don't worry about it."

He hands me the pullover, looking slightly annoyed. "Stop arguing. Would you just put on the damn sweatshirt?"

"Geez, fine," I give up, confused at his annoyance. "Thanks."

I pull the warm material over my head and tuck my hands in the sleeves. It smells like him.

I notice that he's now only wearing a white t-shirt, which sends a wave of guilt through me. "Aren't you gonna be cold now?"

"I'm good," he states, adding under his breath, "You complain so much."

"I do not!" I protest.

"You really do, Lou" he retorts.

"I've told you a thousand times - that's not my name!" I shout.

"You just proved my point," he concludes with a smirk.

I let out an exasperated sigh, and decide to let it go - I highly doubt he'll ever stop calling me 'Lou'. I still feel kind of bad about taking his hoodie, but it's too warm and it smells too much like his cologne for me to insist that he take it back.

When we finally reach the parking lot, I start to wonder what kind of car he has... Before I can create my own assumptions, he pulls out his keys and unlocks the doors to a black Porsche. A Porsche. What!?

"This is your car!?" I ask in awe.

"Yup," he states, as though it were completely normal for a college student - let alone one living in a dorm room - to own a Porsche. A PORSCHE!

"Wow..." is all I can manage to say.

He analyzes me with his eyes for a few seconds. "You're into cars?"

"Don't sound so surprised," I say, rolling my eyes.

He nods his head, clearly not believing me. "So, are you gonna get in?" he finally asks, breaking the tension.

I comply and sit in the passenger seat. Everything about the car looks so... Expensive. And I mean, it is.


"Where are we going?" I ask.

We've been driving on the highway for over an hour, and for all I know, we're turning in circles.

When I don't get a response, I raise my voice slightly and repeat myself.

"Did I not say we were going grocery shopping?" he snaps back.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"There aren't any big stores near campus. I know where I'm going. Stop worrying." The annoyance is thick in his voice. Why does he always sound so mad at me?

After another twenty minutes or so of driving, we pull up to a Starbucks, and he asks me what I want.

"Oh... Uh, nothing. I'm good," I answer.

"Don't tell me you don't drink coffee."

"No, I do, it's just-"

"Great," he cuts me off. "I'll have one Venti medium roast, black, and one with..."

"Two milk and one sugar," I finish for him.

We pull up to the window to pay, Harry glancing over at me and chuckling the entire time.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," he smirks.

"Tell me!" I demand, getting frustrated.

"You take your coffee like a little girl," he states as he grabs the two coffees from the barista at the window.

"I do not!" I argue.

"You really do," he insists, his smug smirk not disappearing from his face.

"No, I don't!"

"Ok," he challenges as he drives off. "Then you drink my coffee, and I'll drink yours."

I bite my tongue, causing him to let out another low chuckle.

"See?" he points out, simply to annoy me.

"Fine." I rip his coffee out of his hand and take a big sip of it. The hot liquid pours down my throat, and my face immediately contorts from the bitterness of the unsweetened drink.

Harry bursts into laughter once again. "That's what I thought," he says, satisfied, as he hands me my drink.

A/N: What are your thoughts on Harry?

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