09 · 4:08AM

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A/N: Another update, like I promised! Xx


I turn over a couple times before opening my eyes. I look over at the empty bed next to mine and let out a sigh. Is he coming back?

I reach for my phone, and it reads 4:08 AM. I have nothing that I absolutely need to do today, which is why I wanted to sleep in, but I'm guessing that since I fell asleep at 9:00 and that I'm not one bit tired anymore, that won't happen.

I push the comforters off of myself and sit up. Taking a deep breath, I put on my glasses and head towards the showers. If I'm not going to fall back asleep, I might as well start off my day right.

The first thing I notice when I step into the empty locker room is myself, in the mirror, still wearing Harry's sweater. The second thing is that I like the way I look in it.

God, what is getting into me!?

I take off my clothes and step into the shower, letting the hot water run down my skin, hoping that it will clear my mind but knowing that it won't.

After ten minutes of standing under the scorching water, I dry myself off, change into the clean clothes I brought with me, and walk back to my dorm.

When I get inside, I toss Harry's sweater on his bed, like I was supposed to do last night. He doesn't need to know, right? I plop back down on my bed and stare at Harry's, tapping my fingers on my legs for an excruciating two minutes before walking over to it and neatly folding his hoodie. I sit back down on my bed, and quite literally force myself to not tidy up his entire side of the room. It's not a problem, I swear...

In hopes of getting my mind off of Harry's unorganized living space, I sit at my desk and begin filling the drawers with pens and notepads. I then glance at the enormous stack of academic and personal books piling up on and around my nightstand, and decide that I'm really going to need to get a shelf for them.


After rearranging my desk area and my wardrobe for the fourth time and sorting my books in alphabetical order by author, I glance at my clock and see that it's not even 6 AM. Great.

I pick up Jane Eyre, one of my favourite classic novels, and start reading it for the thousandth time. After about forty minutes, I feel my stomach grumble, reminding me that I haven't eaten in almost twelve hours.

I open the fridge to see what I can eat, but soon realize that all of the groceries we picked up yesterday are still in Harry's trunk, wherever he is. Once again, great.

I remember seeing a Second Cup on my way back to my dorm last night, so I guess I could pick something up from there. Right as I'm about to leave, in a split second decision - even though I know I definitely shouldn't - I throw on Harry's hoodie. He probably won't be here by the time I get back anyway, so what can it hurt?

I take the stairs down, making a mental note not to take them back up. I mean, who am I to think that stairs would be a good idea? I know myself, and I should really know better.

When the cold September air hits me as I walk out of the building, I'm glad to be wearing Harry's sweatshirt. I know mine would physically keep me just as warm, but I don't know, there's just something about him...

As I make my way to the coffee shop, I take in every group of students talking and laughing together. I hope I'll get to make friends like that; friends who I can hang out with and not be worried that they'll snap on me at any minute.

I swing open the door to Second Cup, and I'm hit by the overwhelming scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. If I could only smell one thing for the rest of my life, it would be this. Or maybe the hoodie I'm wearing... God, I'm going to go insane.

"What can I get you?" asks the smiling girl standing behind the counter. She's really pretty; dark blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin... In any other context, I might find her attractive.

"Just a regular coffee with two milk and one sugar, please," I answer.

"Sure thing!" she says, "What's your name?"

"Uh, Louis," I answer, shooting her a small smile.

"Cool! I'm Sam," she informs me.

I nod awkwardly and hand her a five dollar bill. I really need to get better at this whole 'socializing' thing if I'm going to make any friends.

--- --- ---

A/N: I hope you're all happy about the double[ish] update! Don't forget to vote!

Do you feel bad for Louis, or do you think Harry's done nothing wrong?



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