46 · sparks

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A/N: it's been a while! ngl, i kinda lost motivation to write, but seeing all your activity recently has encouraged me immensely... so big thanks to those who've been commenting and voting for every chapter, it means so much to me :) also this chapter is soooo cute so enjoy xx

song recommendation... if you need me, julia michaels


"I won't survive being alone again." I instantly regret my words as they exit my mouth.

Why am I also so stupid! I hate being vulnerable with others, but something about Harry's eyes made me open up. And god, do I wish I hadn't. Now he probably thinks I'm some pathetic child who has separation issues and can't bear to be independent. And while that's not too far off, it's not like I want everyone to know. I wish I was one of those people who has a mysterious aesthetic. Like Harry. If only I was more like him. But without the pissy attitude all the time. Well, most of the time at least.

Something touches my hand and I visibly jump in my seat. I guess this whole conversation has put me more on edge than I thought.

After processing the situation for far too long, I realize that it's Harry's hand that rests on mine. His thumb rubs circles on my the back of my hand, and the gesture is strangely comforting. Probably not strange to most, but it's definitely something I'm not used to.


His voice is like a warm wave washing over my body, and I instantly relax. I look up at him, waiting for him to continue.

And he does.

And his words melt my heart.

"You're not alone." He pauses, as though searching for the right words. "You've got me. And as long as I'm here, you'll never be alone."

An appropriate response would be 'thank you' or 'I'm here for you too,' but all that comes out of my mouth is a whimper and the faint utterance of "promise?" God, if he didn't think I was pathetic before, he sure as hell does now.

Harry laughs, and for the first time, it reaches his eyes and lights them up. I admire the twinkle in them, and the way they turn into a bright and welcoming green. Quite a contrast from the dark and cold greyish I'm used to. He shakes his head playfully as a sly smile plays on his lips. "Promise."

And for a single, brief moment, everything is good.


song recommendation... peer pressure, james bay and julia michaels

"Let's do something!" I hop off of my bed with a sudden burst of energy. We came back from the coffee shop almost—some would say not even, or barely, but I prefer almost—half an hour ago. And we've just been sitting! Harry on his phone, me staring at the ceiling. Talk about boring! Sure, it hasn't been that long, but it's an amazing day - there's no sense in wasting it! Part of me wonders if the only reason I want to do something is that Harry is in a good mood for once and that I want to take advantage of it while it lasts, but a bigger and overwhelming part tells me to just live in the moment. And the moment is beautiful.

For some reason, Harry doesn't respond to my request to do something, so in an effort to get his attention, I throw my arms out and spin around and around, until I eventually lose balance and faceplant onto his bed - practically directly on top of him - in a fit of laughter. Sure, I'm acting a tad bit childish, but life's short! Harry will just have to deal with me. I mean, it's not like he has a choice given that we live together.

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