21 · tease

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Chapter Twenty One | Louis' P.O.V.

I wake up on my six o'clock alarm that has somehow miraculously turned into a nice o'clock alarm. I reach over to turn it off, but Harry's arm around me stops me.

This can't keep happening.

I gently try to lift his arm off of me, hoping not to wake him up. Apparently, he's stubborn even in his sleep, because he tightens his grip around me. Great.

I eventually manage to break free of his hold, and I crawl out of his bed. I take a quick shower and get dressed before waking - or trying to wake - him up.

"Let me sleep for a while," he grumbles, turning around and putting a pillow over his face.

"Thanks to you changing the time my alarm goes off, I can't let you sleep."

He lets out a loud groan but eventually sits up. "Fine, fine. I'm awake. Happy?"

"Very," I tease, rolling my eyes.

"I'm starving," he states, finally getting out of bed.

"Yeah, me too," I agree. "Get ready and we can pick something up on our way to class?" I suggest.

He nods his head, and casually pulls off his shirt and drops his sweatpants.

"Harry!" I scream, staring at him with wide eyes. As much as I try to force myself to look away, my eyes stayed glued to his toned body. Damn.

"You really need to work on this whole 'staring at me' thing," Harry states arrogantly.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. "I-I..." I try, but all I accomplish is making Harry laugh.

"It's fine, I get it. I'm great to look at," he boasts, smirking.

I swallow hard, feeling my face flush. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. "Harry, can you please put some clothes back on?"

I keep my eyes closed, but I hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me. I open my eyes when I feel him standing right in front of me, and not surprisingly, he's still practically naked.

"What?" he asks in mock innocence. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

It takes all I have to keep my eyes focused on his. "Harry..." I warn, but he takes another step closer to me.

"What's wrong?" he whispers, his face mere inches away from mine.

I take a shaky breath, trying to clear my mind.

And just like the moment happened, it was over. He was gone, his clothes were on, and he was heading out of the dorm.

I hurry after him, following closely behind as we make our way to the parking lot, still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.


As soon as we step into Law and Justice, Harry's smile fades. I follow his gaze, and my eyes lock with Jordan's. Lovely.

"Be nice," I whisper to Harry, trying to sound intimidating.

"I don't have to be," he snaps back, annoyance thick in his voice.

"Yes, you do!"

"And why is that?" He spins around and looks me dead in the eyes, and I feel my breathing quicken. I'm trying to be serious, but damn he's making it hard.

"Because he's my friend," state firmly. Or at least trying to be firm.

"So?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"So I told you to."

"Then make me," he growls, moving closer to me.

I try to come up with a something to say - anything - but my mind goes blank. Thankfully, Jordan's voice interrupts up, saving me from embarrassing myself yet again. "Morning Louis!"

"Hey!" I call back, my mood now a lot lighter.

Harry mumbles something under his breath, but Jordan and I both ignore him.


Harry stayed pretty much silent the entire class, other than making a few annoyed remarks here and there when Jordan would speak to me.

When the prof dismisses us, Jordan turns to me. "I have to go, but I'll see you in literature."

"Okay, see you then!" I smile.

Harry rolls his eyes as Jordan walks away, making me glare at him. "What? I didn't say anything."

I shake my head in exasperation, but let it go since I'm not in the mood to have another bad day.

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