37 · entertain me

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I'm not even out of the elevator before my eyes land on Louis, who's pacing in front of our door. Before I can begin to ask myself questions as to why, Lou stops and raises his hand to knock, then seemingly decides against it and lets his arm fall by his side.

"What the hell are you doing?" My voice comes out harsher than I had intended, and I hate the way it makes Lou flinch.

He turns around and looks up at me with wide eyes filled with panic. "Oh, uh, I was just..." His sentence trails off and he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I was just bringing this back to you."

My eyes follow his outstretched arm and I see my pullover in his hand. Why would he even want to give it back to me? "You can keep it."

He seems taken aback as he shakes his head. "No, it's yours. Take it."

"Keep it," I insist, walking past him to open the door. I turn around to look back at him and see that he hasn't made any effort to move. "Are you coming in?"

He seems surprised at my question, which I don't understand. "Oh, sure," he whispers, stepping into the room. "I didn't know if you wanted me to come back." His voice is barely audible, but I catch ever word.

"It's your house." I furrow my brows, confused at his remark. "Besides, why wouldn't I want you here?"

"I don't know," he sighs. "Forget it."

I toss my keys on my desk and take off my jacket, throwing it on my bed. Instead of pushing for answers, I change topics. "You and Jordan are a thing?" Anger courses through me as I contemplate the idea.

"I guess, yeah." That fucking bitch. He sits down on the edge of his bed and chews on his bottom lip. "You and that guy are a thing?"

It takes me a minute to realize who he's talking about, and when I do, I let out a low chuckle. "You mean Alex?"

"That's Alex?" he asks in shock. I nod my head, and it doesn't take long for him to ask me again. "So, you and Alex?"

"I told you, Lou, I don't date," I smirk.

I instantly see an influx of emotions behind his eyes, though I can't decipher any specific one. He looks almost hurt.

"You didn't talk to me in class," he mumbles into his pillow. He's really all over the place.

I ignore his remark, changing subjects again. "How are you feeling?"

"Huh?" he asks, confusion laced in his tone.

"About what happened."

"Oh," he pauses, "I'm fine." I fucking hate that answer, yet it's the one I get the most often.

"Are you sure?" 'Cause, I mean, I highly doubt he's fine after what happened.

"Like you care," he mutters under his breath.

I send him a quizzical glance. I must have not heard him properly. "What?"

He stares at me blankly, raising his voice, "As if you fucking care."

You have to be fucking kidding me. "What's your problem?" I spit out. "Of course I care." How does he think I don't care? I spent all fucking night holding him and making sure he was okay, yet all of a sudden he's decided I don't care? What the hell?

"Whatever. I don't want to argue with you." He throws my pullover at me and gets up, heading for the door.

I stand in front of the doorway, leaving him with no choice but to continue this conversation. There's no way I'm letting this go. "Louis, what the fuck?"

"Get out of my way," he warns. "I'm not in the mood." You're not in the mood? Oh yeah, 'cause I fucking am.

"Sit down and talk to me," I tell him. "You don't have anything better to do."

He shoots me a pointed glare. "Actually, I do. I have plans with Jordan. Now move."

Of course. He has plans with that son of a bitch. "Fuck him."

"Watch your language," he snaps.

"Don't tell me to watch my fucking language," I laugh. He's got to be kidding me. "You know nothing about him."

"Neither do you. Now let me go or I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what?" I cut him off. "What will you do, Louis?"

He stares at me and shakes his head, tears now slipping down his cheeks. My anger instantly fades as my heart shatters at the sight of him crying. "Please, let me go," he begs.

I shake my head, wanting to stop him but also refusing to say anything more. "Suit yourself." I step out of his way. "Don't come crying to me when he breaks your pretty little heart."


I've been staring at the same four walls for hours. I need to get out of here and do something. Do someone.

I go through my contacts and text a random number I must've gotten at some party.

I'm bored.

In a matter of minutes, whoever it is replies.

What would you like me to do about it?

I smirk as I type my message.

Entertain me.

It's not long before I hear a knock on my door and open it to some girl I only vaguely recognize. Her hair is cut right above her shoulders and the colour kind of reminds me of Louis'.

She stares up at me through pretty blue eyes, and I want nothing more than to fuck her until all my anger has disappeared. "You're looking good, Styles." Her voice is soft and delicate, a harsh contrast to the confidence with which she carries herself.

"You're gonna have to remind me of your name." I tilt my head to the side and send her an award-winning smile, knowing very well that my charm can get me out of any situation.

She rolls her eyes but complies without hesitation. "Bella." She steps further into my room, closing the door behind her. "Now, did I come all the way here to talk, or can we get to the entertaining part?"

I smirk as her lips crash against mine in a rushed kiss, completely void of all emotion. I grip her throat in my hand as I slam her against the wall, and she lets out a devilish laugh. I waste no time peeling her clothes from her body and throwing her on my bed so I can do the same. "Great body," I compliment as I get on top of her. "I can't wait to destroy it."

A/N: i've got some really cute larry scenes planned but first we need to hit 100 reads on chapters 29-present... Y'ALL CAN DO THIS.

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