Shawn Mendes

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Shawn Mendes Imagine

[y/n = your name]

*Trigger Warning*

Your point of view:

I walked in the front door of my house. "Mom?" Dad?" I yelled as I shut the door behind me, hoping no one was home. It was silent, the only remaining noise was the sound of my heavy breathing. I had yet another horrible day at school, no friends, no boyfriend, no one too talk, except, Shawn, of course, my only friend who lived a few houses down from me. We'd know each other for years. Yet I was deeply in love with him, he didn't know but I thought it would be better that way, its not like he liked me back anyways, no one liked me, so why would Shawn like me more then a friend?

I dragged myself up the stairs and down the hall way too my room, collapsing on my bed. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I slide my hand down my pocket receiving my iPhone. I had 5 unread messages from 5 different unknown phone numbers. 'Go kill yourself ugly whore.' 'You're going too die alone.' 'No one loves you, not even your own parents.' 'Anorexic slut, eat something, or in fact stay hungry maybe you'll starve too death.' 'You're so ugly you make my ass hole seem attractive.'

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't take this anymore. All these people were right, I was ugly, worthless, fat, etc. I was nothing good. I created a new message on my phone, 'I cant take being the most hated person in our school, this is it. Thank you for being such a good friend too me. I'll miss you.' I typed and sent too Shawn.

I walked too my bathroom and opened the sink drawer, receiving my razor blade, the one that i had unscrewed out of my hand pencil sharpener. I sat on the cold white tiled floor, rolled up my sleeve, and pressed the blade against my tan skin cutting at a perfect straight line as my veins began too throb and blood slipped down my arm.

"y/n what are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned my head and saw Shawn. He ran towards me and grabbed the silver razor out my my hand and threw it on the floor. He grabbed me and held me in his arms. My head was in his chest, tears were flowing down my face. "Why are you doing this too yourself?" He asked me. I looked up at him and said, "No one cares, nobody at all cares about me, my life doesn't even matter anymore." "I care about you, thats why i'm here, I got that text from you and i dropped what I was doing and made sure I got here in time too tell you.." He paused. "Tell me what?" I sobbed. "To tell you that I'm in love with you." He said wiping my tears off of my cheek. He softly grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. "Promise me something?" He asked. I nodded. "Promise me you wont hurt yourself again?" I nodded once more and kissed him back. "Now lets clean your wrist up." Shawn said. I nodded for the third time. He helped me clean up my arm and we both sat on my bed, with his arms rapped around me and watch movies until we both fell asleep.

- End of part -

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