Cameron Dallas & Shawn Mendes - Short Story Imagine

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Cameron Dallas & Shawn Mendes - Short Imagine

[Your Point Of View] ;

It was 2:40 in the morning when Cameron texted me saying 'meet me at the beach with matt, shawn & carter.' I forgot that he wanted too hang out there so i texting back. 'Okay baby on my way.' I put my bathing suit on then put on a crop top and high waisted shorts over it, and i put on my hot pink flip flops.

I decided too walk because it was only a five minute walk and my parents would probably hear my car start. I climbed out my window then jumped on the roof, then climbed down the tree next to my room.

After a few minutes of walking too the beach i saw only saw Shawn not Matt, Cameron or Carter. I guess they haven't arrived yet.

"Shawn!" I yelled and ran down too him. "Hey (y/n)," He said back. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They haven't gotten here yet," He said. "Oh okay," i said. "Uh, since we're alone can i tell you something?" Shawn asked me. "Yeah, of course what is it?" I said. "Well uhmm, theres a girl that i really like but she has a boyfriend and I'm close to her and her boyfriend. What do you think i should do?" He asked me. "Uhm, I think you should tell her how you feel even if she does have a boyfriend," I said with a grin on my face. "Who is this girl anyways, what does she look like?" I asked. "Well, shes perfect, she has gorgeous long hair, beautiful eyes, and a cute smile, I think i'm in love with you," He said while looking down at the sand. "I mean her," He quickly said looking back up at me. "Did you just say you're in love with me?" I said while looking confused. "yeah, i'm in love with you (y/n)," He said as he grabbed my waist. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Trying too make you mine," He said as he started too kiss me. I couldn't resist him, his lips were so soft and he was such a sweet boy. "I love you," he whispered into my ears. "I.. I cant... I cant do this Shawn, I love Cameron, you're sweet and you're really adorable but I just cant," I said as I pushed him away slowly. "Please, I love you." He said. I looked out in the distance and saw Cameron, Carter & Matt. "Their here, don't say anything about what just happened, Cameron's gonna kill you if you say anything," I said. "Alright," he said in disappointment.

"Hey gorgeous," Cameron said. "Hey babe," I said back, "I was talking too shawn," He said while he laughed and grabbed me and kissed me. "Oh really?" I said as I laughed. "Well he is pretty gorgeous," I laughed.

"Did you bring your swim suit?" Cam asked me. "Yeah its under my clothes," I responded. "Take your clothes off babe, I wanna see your sexy body," He said too me with a smile on his face. I took off my shirt, shorts, and shoes, realizing all the boys were staring at me, I just laughed and rolled my eyes. The boys took off their shirts but still wouldn't stop staring at me. "So are we gonna get in the water or are you guys just gonna keep staring at me?" I asked all the boys. "We'd rather just stare at you," Cameron said. "Yeah," They all agreed. "Lets just get in the water." I laughed and walked into the water.

After about 15 - 20 minutes of swimming in the water, I could see that there were security guards walking down toward us. "Oh shit, guys security is coming down here," Matt said. "Shit, okay lets grab our clothes then run down there." Cameron said as he pointed toward the life guard chair. "Oh god, i lost my bikini top in the water," I said while covering myself. Everyone just automatically started staring at me again. "Okay guys stop staring at me again, lets just hurry and get our clothes like Cam said," I told everyone. They all knotted their heads. We ran too grab our clothes and ran behind the life guard chair. I turned towards Cameron so the boys couldn't see me take off my wet bathing suit and put on my clothes. "Hey whose there," The guard said. We just screamed and laughed as we ran down the street running too out houses.

We stopped running after about 1 - 2 minutes. "Well that was fun," Carter said while laughing. "Yeah it was." We all said back. "You want me too walk you home babe?"Cameron asked me. "I'll walk her home, she lives in my neighborhood so its no problem for me," Shawn said too Cameron. "Okay thanks, I just want too make sure she gets home safe," Cameron said too us. "Don't worry she will," Shawn said as he smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes. Cameron grabbed me and kissed me goodbye. "Love you princess," Cameron whispered too me. "Love you too baby." I said while smiling.

Me and Shawn started too walk home. "So.." shawn said trying too break the silence. "Why'd you offer too walk me home?" I asked while rolling my eyes. "So that we could talk," He said back. "Talk about what?" I asked. "Our relationship.." He said. "Relationship? What relationship? We're just friends," I said in confusion. "Yeah, thats the problem, I want too be more then friends," He said while grabbing my hand. "Will you just stop? I'm with Cameron, end of story," I added. "Please why can't you just love me?" He asked. "I already told you just stop," I said. He grabbed my waist and started too kiss me. I wanted to push him away but I couldn't there was something about Shawn that made me want too kiss him. "See, you do like me or else you would of pulled away and not let me kiss you," He stated. "Well, you're right theres just something about you that makes me want you but I know that I can't because I love Cameron," I said. "Maybe we could have a secret relationship? We don't have to say anything to anyone, I'll be happy with loving you without telling anyone." He asked. "I don't know, I'll think about it," I said. "Thats good enough for me," He smiled.

We arrived too my house about 5 minutes later. Ad he tried kissing me goodnight but I just ended up kissing him on the cheek.

That whole night I couldn't stop thinking about Cameron and how depressed he would be if he found out I started gaining feelings for Shawn and the fact that I actually kissed him. I guess I'll have too choose between them. But who should I choose?

- End Of Part -

So I haven't updated in forever so I decided to upload this random cliffhanger story that I wrote a long time ago. But there wont be a send part to this or anything. Do you guy like this? Do you think I should start doing short story imagines with random cliffhangers at the end? There will only be one part of each of then though! Let me know how you feel in the comments!
thanks. xoxo.

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