|Shot 67| • Returning II • |Stenbrough|

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An alternate version Stenbrough oneshot #6 "Forever"

Part II

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"I have to go back" I whispered under my breath. "I have to go back"

I quickly went to our bedroom and packed a couple bags with clothes. I didn't need much else. I grabbed my wallet and keys and went for my coat.

"Bill?" Audra called. "What are you doing? Who was on the phone?"

I paused a few feet from the door and sighed. I slowly turned to face her as I mulled over an explanation.

"I...I have to g-go back to D-Derry, Audra. Something has c-come up and I...I have to g-go back"

To clarify - Audra knows about Stan's funeral, Stan and Bill's relationship, and she knows that Bill used to stutter but that is all he has told her of his past.

"Your stutter, Bill...it's come back. Why? What is going on? Who was on the phone, dear? Talk to me" she took a step forward with pleading eyes.

"I-I d-d-don't know. It w-was an old f-friend, Audra. I cah-can't explain, I n-need to go b-back to Derry"

"But why, Bill? You're scaring me!"

"I'm sorry. I-I can't explain, I need to go" I grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open, stepping out onto the porch.

She followed and called after me.

"Can't I come with you?"

I stopped and put my stuff down for a moment then walked over to her. Her eyes searched mine quizzically, worry and confusion washing over her expression as she searched my eyes for an answer, for an explanation. I cupped her face in my hands.

"I can't have you coming with me. I can't explain why but I just...I need you to stay here, safe. I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?"

She nodded and I kissed her forehead. I knew she was still confused as hell, but she let me go anyway, and watched as I packed my car and drove off. The only thing I put in front of me was Derry.


"It's been too long, my friends" Mike said warmly as we gathered in a circle, exchanging hugs and smiles.

"You said it, brother" I shook his hand.

"I appreciate you all coming here, and so quickly"

"Of course we came!" Ben exclaimed. "Can't go back on Big Bill's promise" he patted my shoulder.

"Haystack is right, old man" Richie chipped in. "Can't flake out on Big Bill"

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